In this blog post, you will find valuable notes related to the basic configuration for embedded PP/DS in S/4 HANA.
After the following settings have been done, you can start to define and use required master/transactional data by running corresponding reports, and also customize planning specific functions in order to provide further usage of PP/DS.
Here we go;
Firstly, please check the t.code LCA03 in an Livecache-relevant client to see, whether the Livecache has already been initialized.
If not, please refer to the OSS Note 2407589 (Manual installation of liveCache for S/4HANA).
Your administration team should install it.
SAP HANA-Integrated Livecache can also be checked through the following screen:
(The Installed Plug-In is
T.code: DB50
Click on the checkbox to activate Advanced Planning in S/4 HANA
To be able to use PP/DS on HANA, you need to activate the flag. This switch requires Manufacturing for Planning and Scheduling licence.
(SPRO)-> Advanced Planning-> Basic Settings-> Activate Advanced Planning and Scheduling
Define Configuration Schema
You define configuration schema in accordance with your business need.
(SPRO)-> Advanced Planning-> Basic Settings->Define Configuration Schema (CDP or Variant Configuration)
Create model and planning versions
Assign the planning versions to the model. The PP/DS horizon (in days) can only be defined at the level of planning versions. (not in the product master!)
Activate BTEs for Integration
The applications ND-APO and NDI are set as active.
T.code: BF11
Name the logical system/s in the customizing
(SPRO)-> Advanced Planning-> Integration via Core Interface (CIF)-> Integration-> Basic Settings for Creating the System Landscape-> Name Logical Systems
Then, you can assign the logical system to the client
(SPRO)-> Advanced Planning-> Integration via Core Interface (CIF)-> Integration-> Basic Settings for Creating the System Landscape-> Assign Logical Systems to a Client
Define the RFC destination
(SPRO) -> Advanced Planning-> Integration via Core Interface (CIF)-> Integration-> Basic Settings for Creating the System Landscape-> Set Up RFC Destination
Maintain Business System Group (PP/DS Part)
T.code: /SAPAPO/C1
Assign Logical System and Queue Type (PP/DS Part)
When the queue type is set to Inbound, the target system is responsible for processing the data transferred. (the performance is better in this way)
Here, choose also the release 70 (SAP SCM 7.0).
T.code: /SAPAPO/C2
Set up the Target System and assign the Queue Type
Operation mode of ADC is automatically set to "T", after the manual correction provided by OSS Note 2634408 (PP/DS : Setting OPMODE in CFC1 to 'T' standard) is made.
The solution is delivered with the release 1709; SP 0003.
T.code: CFC1
Maintain SCM Release
Integrate SAP S/4HANA with system type
SAP_APO and release
713 (Release 7.0 EHP 3).
Unlike in the PP/DS part, the EHP can also be chosen on the S/4 HANA side. EHP 4 is not available yet. You can nevertheless select EHP 3, even though your release is higher than it.
T.code: NDV2
Set up CIF User Parameters (PP/DS Part)
T.code: /SAPAPO/C4
Set up CIF User Parameters
T.code: CFC2
Configure qRFC Communication
This is required for making QIN and QOUT Schedulers to work.
T.code: RZ12
Register QIN Scheduler
SMQR (for processing the saved transferred data)
Register QOUT Scheduler
SMQS (for saving the transferred data before being processed)
Maintain Number Range (PP/DS Part)
The number range should be assigned to the Global Parameters.
Also verify that the pre-delivered category groups are existing. If not, please refer to OSS Note 2272406 (Missing Customizing Table Entries). You may also need to activate BC Set /SAPAPO/APO_ON_ERP. The solution is delivered with the release 1511; SP 0003.
Also refer to OSS Note 2637003 (BC set for PP/DS in SAP S/4HANA) for missing category groups.
Please also note that the three categories (SP, SO and SS) highlighted below, which are relevant for subcontracting planning in PP/DS are corrected with the OSS Note 2520833. (PP/DS for SAP S/4HANA: New ATP Category for Subcontracting). The solution is delivered with the releases 1610; SP 0006 or 1709; SP 0004 or 1809; SP 0001.
Settings for Data Transfer
Set the flag for the order types of transactional data to be cifed between S/4 HANA and PP/DS.
(SPRO)-> Advanced Planning-> Basic Settings-> Settings for Data Transfer
After the settings explained above have been completed, you can now start to define and use required master/transactional data by running corresponding reports, and also customize planning specific functions in order to provide further usage of PP/DS.
I will continue to explain them later in another blog posts.