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A. Introduction:

In this blog post, I would like to share my knowledge on the different scenarios related to fund transfer between our company bank accounts. After completion of the blog post reading, you will understand the bank to bank transfer process with in the company code, between the company codes(Co.Codes belongs to same country) and between the company codes (Co.Codes belongs to multiple countries). I assume that reader know how to create a house bank setup and Automatic payment program(FBZP) configuration.

B. B2B Process Overview:

Bank to Bank transfer is nothing but transferring the funds from one Bank to another Bank. It is also called book transfer. We have different types of transfers

• Intra-Company transfer
• Inter Company Transfer

Intra-Company Transfer:

Intra-Company Transfer means transferring funds between two House banks of same Company code or between bank accounts of the same house bank. In general fund transfer is needed to meet the day to day cash and liquidity requirements. It is not possible to transfer funds between multiple currencies.

Inter Company Transfer:

Inter Company Transfer means transferring the funds between the bank accounts of the two company codes. The two company codes belong to same country or it may belongs to multiple countries. There is an additional configuration step in case of bank to bank transfer between company codes belongs to different countries.

I would like to give a summary about the configuration followed in this document. I’m going to use Bank G/L’s: Main bank- 200++0, Outgoing bank- 200++1, Incoming bank- 200++2 and cross company code clearing account 100109. It is technical clearing account.

In this Blog Post, I am going to show you the the below scenarios.

  1. CITI Bank to SBI Bank   (With in Company code - ' PIL' Company code)

  2. CITI Bank to HSBC Bank ( between Company codes- PIL to PIL2)

  3. CITI Bank to JPM Bank    (Between Company codes and Between country - PIL to PCL)

Key Data Structure (KDS)

Business Process Scenarios and Accounting Impact


Please make sure to configure the House bank set up, Automatic payment program (APP) configuration (FBZP), Inter-company configuration (OBYA) and Create Bank G/L accounts (FS00) for your company codes before doing B2B Configuration and End-user steps.


B.   Configuration:


1)    Define Number ranges for payment requests:

SPRO - SAP Reference IMG - Financial accounting- Bank Accounting- Business Transactions -Payment Transactions - Payment Request - Define Number ranges for payment requests


Number ranges already predefined by SAP. If it is not available for some reason,  you can create your own number ranges.

2)    Define clearing accounts for Receiving Bank for acct. Transfer

SPRO- Financial accounting - Bank Accounting - Business Transactions - Payment Transactions- Payment Request- Define clearing accounts for Receiving Bank for acct. Transfer

Click on new Entries and Define the receiving bank G/L accounts. I have defined the settings for all the three scenarios

enter your company codes, House Banks (Receiving banks), Payment method, currency, account id and clearing account (Receiving bank’s sub account) then Save.

3)    Define clearing accounts for cross country bank account transfers

SPRO - SAP Reference IMG - Financial accounting - Bank Accounting- Business Transactions -Payment Transactions - Payment Request - Define clearing accounts for cross country bank account transfers

Click on new entries

Enter the Technical clearing account/ Cross company code clearing account against to your Sending/paying code and then save.


It is not relevant to any bank. This step is only applicable if you are transferring funds between company codes and are belongs to two different countries like India and USA.

4)    Define Account Determination or Clearing Accounts for Company Code:

SPRO - SAP Reference IMG - Financial accounting - Bank Accounting - Business Transactions - Payment Transaction - Payment Request - Payment Handling - Bank clearing account determination - Define Account Determination

Enter Paying company code, click on enter.

Click on new entries and Enter paying company code House bank, payment method, account ID, and Bank subaccount. Then save.

5)    Assign Default profit center for Bank G/L accounts - FAGL3KEH:

Select your company code and click on enter. It is required if you activate document splitting characteristics by profit center and made it as mandatory.


C.   End-User Steps:


1)     Create Repetitive Code Groups (T.Code-FIRPGR):

Click on new entries

Enter your own name under Repetitive code group and enter the description for that and save.

Note: It is not mandatory, Repetitive code group is used to group the Repetitive codes and it is used at the time of B2B transfer process to minimize the Repetitive codes information

2)    Create Repetitive Code (T.Code-OT81):

Accounting - Financial accounting - Banks - Master data - Repetitive codes (OT81):

Enter Paying company code, House Bank & Account ID information and click on Create button

Select Bank Radio button and click on enter

Enter Repetitive code, enter the Target or Receiving company code Bank details, payment method, currency and Reference text and save.



Note: Reference text will update in the Accounting document

Click on back arrow, select Repetitive code “PIL-10011-PIL-20011” and click on Release icon (Green flag).

Save. Release status color changes from red to yellow.

Final approver will select Repetitive code, Release (click on green flag) and then save it.

Release status change from yellow to green. You can not use repetitive code unless it is green.

Select your Repetitive code and click on Groups button

Select the Respective Repetitive group (PIL) and double click on Respective Code Assignment folder

Click on new entries, ENTER Your company code, House bank (sending company code related), and your Repetitive Code. Enter and save.

I have created the below repetitive codes to represent the different scenarios. The above process will be continued for the below repetitive codes.


3)    Create Bank to Bank Transfer (FRFT_B):

Accounting - Financial accounting - Banks - Outgoing - payments with Respective codes - FRFT_B – Carry Forward Bank Accounts

Select Group of repetitive codes if you have created Repetitive code group, enter your paying or sending company code and House bank and then click on enter.

It shows Relevant Repetitive codes. Enter the amount paid against to your Repetitive code (PIL-10011-PIL-20010) Then click on enter.


Click on Create Payment Request.

System shows the popup window. System will generate a Payment request number xxxx and then enter.

Payment request number is showing under the open payment request.

4)    Approve Bank to Bank Transfer (FRFT-B):

Accounting - Financial accounting - Banks - Outgoing - payments with Respective codes - FRFT_B – Carry Forward Bank Accounts

Approver will approve the payment request. Enter the Group of repetitive codes or co. code and enter. It shows all open payment requests.

Select open payment request and then click on “Pay”

It shows the popup window and gives the information that the Payment request xxxx has been released and Proposal has been created. It can be verified in t. code-F111.

Enter the T-code F111 in the command box


5) Verify Accounting Documents FB03:





In this Blog Post, I have Explained Different Scenarios relating Fund transfers. I hope my blog post may be useful. You now understand the bank transfer between bank accounts -Intra Company and Inter Company scenarios. Please feel free to add your comments. Thank you so much for your time.
Nice Blog Lakshmi!
Learned New thing Today. Thanks.,
0 Kudos
Thank you Sasi!
0 Kudos
Thank you Vinoth! Good to hear.
Active Participant
Good madam

very useful blog
0 Kudos
Thank you Sai!
0 Kudos
very useful and also it was simple to understand
Thank you for sharing this article. Detailed and helpful documentation.
0 Kudos
Great . Thanks for sharing Knowledge.
0 Kudos
Hi - Thanks for posting this blog. Have a question. Under the Intra-Company Transfer scenario, If the same company code has two different bank accounts for the same Bank, maintained in different currencies, can you do the transfer with FRFT_B and repetitive codes? For example there is Citi Bank - One maintained in USD and the other in INR, and I want to transfer from USD to INR? Is this possible?
0 Kudos

What happen next with the vendor line and customer open line items?

Which operation shoul cleart this open items?


Best Regards
0 Kudos

Very useful information!!

However, when I follow the steps, it seems that the header text I entered in the repetitive code template does not reflect in the accounting document. Your examples are also having this issue. May I know how do you solve it afterward?

0 Kudos



This is very good content that you have shared here. Thank you

Quick check with you, in rapid.sap.com. In which business process this falls into? Can you help to identify?

Also which SAP version works for this? 

0 Kudos
Hello Lakshmi,

thank you for the documentation. At the end of the day it reflects everything I know and use in a very good way, BUT: it does not answer the one question I would have and your created file screenshot just does not show the info I am interested in:

When we send FRFT_B RepCodes we can enter Reference Text information indeed (and it is even transferred into REGUP-SGTXT), but it does NOT show up in our payment file. In contrary to FRFT_TR.

Do you (or anybody) have an idea how we can transfer this text also into the payment file?

0 Kudos
Hi Lakshmi,

Thank you for explaining the process so well. I have one question though.

What are we going to do with vendor and customer open balance? how are we going clear this out. Also, if we are posting directly to intercompany GL (OBYA) then how to treat the open balance on this GL? Can you please advise on this?

0 Kudos
Hi Madam,

I have some doubts related to FSCM/TRM.

Kindly share your contacts details.

Thanks in advance.



0 Kudos
Hi Lakshmi,
Nice blog. Keep up the good work.
Thank you!
0 Kudos
Nice blog. Very useful one. Thanks for sharing...
0 Kudos
Thanks for sharing.

Is it possible to use a special GL indicator in cross company bank transfer?
0 Kudos
Very nicely explained, thanks
0 Kudos

Very Well explained and nice Blog Lakshmi.

0 Kudos
Dear luckysap7

Is it possible to transfer to the bank at least in Europe the autopayment request without downloading to a text file?

Thanks, Zsolt
0 Kudos
I did the same settings - they are not working for Inter company code transfer within same country. Proposal is not getting created - is there some additional setting missing?
0 Kudos

The above configuration you have explained described only about book transfer from one house bank GL to another house bank GL. This is only book transfer. Can you please elaborate how fund will move from one bank account to another bank account. How SAP will communicate with bank to transfer the fund from one Bank to another bank because as per your explanation fund has moved from GL to GL and not from the Bank to Bank. 

Please help to elaborate. 

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