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Hello Folks,

Let's start with the new blog on AWS S3 bucket setup as Content repository for storing SAP documents.


  1. Introduction

  2. Amazon S3 Bucket service

  3. Scenario and Integration Perspective

  4. Configuration

  5. Migration

  6. Operations


Content repository is the core of SAP functioning. SAP generates massive documents through business processes e.x Invoice, purchase order, sales order, SAP office. Storing them on database can be unseemly, as size and performance of database affects SAP applications overall. It is wise to setup content repository on different storage other than SAP main instance. Currently many third parties which are SAP certified offer to deploy such setup and one among them is storing on AWS S3. Recently we implemented such integration for one of our customers and would like to share the knowledge and experience with you.

Amazon S3 Bucket service

In this blog post, we will not explain about AWS S3 service. Read about AWS S3 as a prerequisite.

It is beneficial to understand the concepts of bucket and how buckets are used.

Putting in simple words:

  • An AWS bucket is a like a big folder where you can store your files.

  • A bucket (folder) will be provided for your application where you can organize your own files.

  • Anyone with the access key can read / write files in this bucket (folder)

Scenario and Integration Perspective

The scenario is the integration off SAP ABAP based applications, which with every new document/attachment creation it stores directly to AWS S3 bucket. The enabler to connect is to deploy 3rd-party vendor add-on which establish connectivity with S3 bucket. We must create individual S3 buckets as per SAP environment like DEV/QAS/Pre-Prod/Prod and map accordingly within SAP.

APIs can also be used to integrate between SAP ABAP apps and S3 storage but that is not feasible for Content repository.

Below are the main settings for connectivity:

  1. S3 Endpoint URL

  2. Access Key ID

  3. Secret access key

  4. Bucket.

Integration Architecture



Once SAP and AWS S3 storage talking. Next step is to configure content repository to use new S3 bucket.

These are standard steps.

Step1: SICF: Create a HTTP Interface service. Make sure the user provided in logon tab has all the privileges.

Step2: OAC0: Create a new content repository of type HTTP, pass port and SAP server information. Make sure to put service name in HTTP script section which we created at Step1. Do the connection test.


Step3: OACT: Category should map to the new content repo.

Step4: SKPR08: Validate the physical document class (example for SAP Office). It should be tagged to category rightly.


This is the major planning where we need to ensure all SAP office documents are migrated successfully from existing SAP Database/Content repository to the AWS S3 bucket.

This must be meticulously extracted before even connectivity steps.

To understand how many documents are to be migrated. Here, you need to execute TAANA transaction and pull the report. The report shows documents requiring migration.

Relationship type Object Type Year Number of Entries

Also, can validate the counts from SE16N -> SOFFPHIO, SOFFPHF tables for SAP Office docs based on category.

Next, schedule jobs to migrate the documents and key to play with the batch job allocations considering business loads to expedite the migration. Recommended migrating the documents by newest dates to oldest dates. The below table can be used to populate the execution summary and optimize as per requirement.

Background Jobs Est. Docs Migrated Per day Total Days @ 4.8M Docs
(Based on current transfer rate)
10               240,000                                                                       20


When all documents migrate, new attachments are stored on AWS S3 bucket from SAP. It must be maintained to keep the operation running for business. Below are the main areas to focus:

  1. With system refreshes make sure the S3 configuration tables are restored back of current system and tested. Every environment has their own setup to access AWS S3 bucket.

  2. The AWS S3 certificate must be renewed annually in STRUST.

  3. There may be cases where you find connectivity in OAC0 is successful but in real attachment throw error return code 500. Here, you need to validate test document check-in/checkout from SAP through the 3rd party transaction and in app log you will see the detail error information.


Stay tuned for more upcoming blogs and technical writeup.

Thank you for reading!


Vaibhav Srivastava (VS)
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