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Automatic purchase order by Goods Receipt  

Automatic Purchase order: 

This process will enable system to create the Purchase Orders automatically from the Purchase Requisitions created in the system, without manual intervention, and at regular intervals of time with predetermined master data set up and with a predefined job schedule to run at regular intervals of time. 

An automatic PO is created either when received goods exceed the ordered quantity or when the vendor was asked to supply goods without raising a PO. A purchase order is automatically created when a goods receipt is posted (MIGO).   

Here I am creating Automatic Purchase order by Goods Receipt. 

    • No need to create a Purchase Requisition. 


    • In Material Master, Material should have enabled the Automatic PO checkbox in purchasing view.  
    • In Vendor Master, Supplier should have enabled the Automatic PO checkbox in Purchasing Data. 
    • Maintain Purchasing Info Record for the required Combination of Material and Supplier. 
    • Assign Purchasing organization to plant (It is Mandatory field in S/4 Hana) 
    • View Cluster Editing – OMJJ 

Create Material in MM01: 

Activate the Automatic PO Checkbox.Create Business Partner: (BP) 

Maintain Purchase Info Record in ME11: 

Purchasing info record 5300000164 9000 9001 Created. 

Assign Purchasing organization to plant: (OMKI) 

If we can’t maintain this step in S/4 Hana, we can get error while doing Goods Receipt. 

After Assigning the Purchase organization to Plant click on the save button. 

Maintain Automatic PO Checkbox for Movement Type: 
Configuration: SPRO –> IMG –> Material Management –> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory –> Goods Receipt –> Create Purchase order Automatically 

View cluster Editing – OMJJ 
In View Cluster Editing –> Field selection tab Then the next screen, 
Enter the Movement type for Goods Receipt and Click Enter.,  
Select the Movement type and click enter 

Go to Field Selection  
Add the Field name – LIFNR by clicking on the new entries and click on the save button. 
If it is already maintained skip this step. 

We can do Goods Movement (MIGO) two ways: 

    • Goods Receipt –> others (Movement Type 101) 
    • Goods Receipt –> Purchase Order (Movement Type 101) 

1st scenario: (Goods Receipt –> Others) 
First check the Stock Overview in MMBE. 
We have 100 Quantity of stock In Unrestricted use (F) 

If we done Goods Movement the stock will directly updated in the Unrestricted use. 
After Maintaining the data click on the save button. 

Material document 400000434 posted. 

Display the Material Document the Purchase order is created automatically. 

The Accounting Entities are: 

Now check the stock overview in MMBE (The 100 Quantity of stock is directly updated in the Unrestricted use.) 

If you any Queries check the data in ME23N (Display Purchase order) 

Next, we can do Invoice Verification in MIRO:  
Invoice –> Purchase order 

Document no. 39 created. 

The Accounting Entities are: 

2nd Scenario: (Goods Receipt –> Purchase order) 
Click on the Non-ordered item as shown below. 
Enter the Material, Quantity, Plant, Storage location and Vendor. By Maintaining the data click on the save button.

Material document 132 posted. 

Display the Material Document the Purchase order is created automatically. 

If you any Queries check the data in ME23N (Display Purchase order) 

We can also Create Automatic Return Delivery (161 Movement Type) 
Maintain Automatic PO Checkbox for Movement Type: 
Configuration: SPRO –> IMG –> Material Management –> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory –> Goods Receipt –> Create Purchase order Automatically 


In MIGO Goods Receipt –> Purchase order (Enter 161 Movement Manually) 
Click on the Non-ordered item as shown below.
Enter the Material, Quantity, Plant, Storage location and Vendor. 
By Maintaining the data click on the save button. 

Material document 134 posted. 

Display the Material Document the Purchase order is created automatically. 

If you any Queries check the data in ME23N (Display Purchase order) 

This Scenario will be used when An automatic PO is created either when received goods exceed the ordered quantity or when the vendor was asked to supply goods without raising a PO. A purchase order is automatically created when a goods receipt is posted (MIGO).  

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