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In FICO Asset Legacy Data Migration in New Asset Accounting, the procedure is explained below for current year acquisition scenario. Both the Functional and Technical Solutions along with the sample report for BAPI are explained in detail .


Main Problem:

In ECC system the Transaction code AS91 is used to create asset master and also post asset values in asset accounting through ‘Takeover values’. Now, Taking over of values is not possible in S/4 HANA system in AS91. In ECC, transaction data was getting posted separately in Assets Accounting through ‘AS91-Takeover values’ and General Ledger Accounting through OASV/FB01.

For the Asset Migration in S4 Hana, the System Procedure differs and needs some configurations before asset creation and acquisition in different scenarios. Also a combination of both LSMW and BAPI is required to complete the upload .



Asset Cut over – Current Year Acquisitions :

In S/4 HANA, to post an asset with current year Acquisition we have to use three transactions:

Transaction code AS91 for Asset Master Data

Transaction code AB01 to transfer the acquisition transaction of legacy asset posted in current year.

Simulate and post . Further carry out Transaction code ABLDT to takeover ordinary depreciation posted in current year by entering amount in field ‘Ordinary dep.posted’ (NAFAG). & Post.

Now for Transaction Code AB01 during mass upload we cannot create a LSMW recording . This can be achieved by using a BAPI for mass upload.


Using this BAPI all the Acquisition Data can be Posted , This BAPI should be followed by BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT.



In each of  the importing tables values for various fields required for acquiring the asset can be passed.

For Example :

In the Export parameters success message will be returned.

A z-report can be created for the BAPI upload program , which converts the data maintained in excel into internal table which can further be passed into the import parameters of the BAPI.


Sample of the Z-report created :

For converting data from Excel into Internal table.

For passing the values into import parameters of the BAPI .


Conclusion :

So, in this blog post we have seen how to carryout asset legacy data migration for SAP S/4 HANA for current year Acquisition . Please feel free to share if you have followed any other methods to do the same and share if you have any comments.
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