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PI Sheets in general can be used to describe the total production process or a part of it. The PI sheet is
used to inform the process operator about the individual production steps that need to be performed.
Apart from control information, the PI sheet can contain input fields and pushbuttons. You can, for
example, define fields into which you want the process operator to enter the quantity of
material components consumed for a phase. The material withdrawals must then be posted as goods
issues in inventory management. You can use process messages to automatically carry out this function.
In General there are two types of PI sheets in Normal SAP
  1. ABAP based PI sheets
  2. Browser based PI sheets

  We shall concentrate on the later version that is browser based PI sheets 

1 Master Data:

  1. Material Master
  2. BOM
  3. Master Recipe.

2 Configuration Requirements

  In the initial step transport all the predefined characteristics, message categories
and display variants predefined by SAP from the reference client to our logon client.
  1. SPRO-->Production planning for Processindustries-->Process management-->Standard settings


Here transport all the standard settings to your local client. 

3 Control Recipes and Control Recipe Destinations

  Control recipes are used to transfer the control data defined in the process order by
the user to the process control. The control data like process instructions
assigned to the phase are transferred to their respective destinations assigned
in the phase.
Control Recipe Destinations:  SAP standard has Four types of recipe destinations defined 
  1. Transfer to ABAP list based PI sheet
  2. Download to ext. system, initiated by
    SAP process management
  3. Download to ext. system, initiated by
    ext. process control
  4. Transfer to browser-based PI sheet

Path: SPRO-->Production planning for Processindustries-->Process managementà-->Decentralized Process Management

     -->Define and Set Up Control Recipe Destinations      
Here in the work area enter the plant and select enter. Now double click the HTML-PI sheet (05) to open it.
Here it has the destination type 4 which will enable to create browser based PI sheets. In the destinations
we can assign digital signatures for the process steps.  Here we can have levels of approvals defined for the process step. 

4 Process Message Characteristics

  There are standard process message characteristics available in SAP which can be transported to the local client.
All standard characteristics for process messages starts with ‘PPPI’ and cannot be changed. If we require additional
characteristics then user can create them as per the business requirement.
Path: SPRO-->Production planning for Processindustries-->Process management--> Process Messages
-->Define Characteristics forProcess Messages
Process Messages and Destinations:  Process Messages are used to transfer the process data from process control to the
defined destinations.
  Process messages trigger various business functions such as GI, GR, mail trigger, data
transfer to external system etc.
  The actual data entered in the system are transferred to the respective work areas defined
in the destinations.
  The process message categories contains the process instruction characteristics, message
destinations and the characteristics which the destination needs to update.
  Standard SAP contains several Process messages
which can be transported to the local client; in addition we can create new messages with destinations as per the business need. 
Path: SPRO-->Production planning for Process industries-->Process management--> Process Messages-->
Define and Set Up Process Message Categories
  The message categories will have process instruction characteristics assigned
Each Message will have destinations with their respective address assigned
We can create multiple destinations in a single message category. 
Now each destination needs to be assigned characteristics to update the target

5 Assigning Process Instructions to Master Recipe

  Open the master recipe in change mode and go to operations header screen. Here we can assign the activities which needs to be carried out through PI
sheets to eachphase as per the business requirement.
Select the phase for which you want to assign the instructions and click on Process Instructions.In the next screen assign the process instruction categories to the selected phase and click on simulate PI sheet.This will display the output format of the PI sheet if there is no error in the assignment
The simulation will not work if there is any error in the characteristics assigned.
After assigning successfully save the Master Recipe.

6 Releasing Control Recipes

Now create the process order as usual and once you release the order the ‘Generate Control Recipe’ indicator
gets enabled, click on this indicator to release the recipes and save the order.

Upon successful release of control recipes go to T code CO53 to convert the recipes to PI sheets
In the initial screen enter the order number and press ‘display’

In the next screen select the recipe and press -send,this action will generate PI sheets
Now go to T code CO60 and open the PI sheet which has been generated for this order
Here enter the plant, order number and execute(F8)

In the next screen select the PI sheet and press ‘maintain PI sheet’ This will open the PI sheet in Change mode

7 PI Sheets

We can have a wide array of instructions assigned for each phase.
Phase 0020 has the following assigned
  1. Standard operating Procedure – here we can enter
    the instructions which the user needs to do and check while performing
    operation 20. If DMS is integrated with PI sheet we can assign drawings and
    PDF  files if required
  2. The table is used to enter the GOODS ISSUE
    quantity for the order, this is just a sample configuration so we can have the
    material number assigned. The + mark at the bottom of the table allows to add
    multiple lines so that we can have partial GI’s and also to enter for multiple
    materials. This is enabled by using ‘Repeated Data Request’ in the instructions
  3. ‘GO TO MIGO’ tab allows the user to go directly
    to MIGO, likewise we can go to any transaction which is required, it is also
    possible to open a blank SAP screen.

Phase 0040 is used to record the temperature, data and time of the reading, this will be only for information and it
will not update any table records. This can be used in process industries where it is required to record a measured value
like temperature, pressure etc.

Each step can also be incorporated with ‘DigitalSignatures’. This will help track the data entry user and also the time
(Records of signature will be available in DSAL)

Phase 0080 can be used to carry out GR for materials,here again we can add a wide array of instructions like batch, final delivery

Data required for phase wise confirmation, time ticket confirmation etc can all be incorporated in a PI sheet.

QM results recording can be carried in the same manner as above or can be done through a call transaction.

Once the user enters the values in PI sheets the data needs to be transferred so that it will update the order.

This can be done through T code CO54.

In CO54 enter the order number and press message list

Here select the process messages and press send, the data will get transferred to their respective locations.

Now open the process order and check the goods movement carried out through PI sheets
This is just an overview document, apart from the above awide array of activities like time ticket, final delivery,
simple signature, digital signatures with authorization levels etc can be done through a PI sheet.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Very useful. Thanks for sharing!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Rajesh,

Very Useful, was looking for long time for such document .

Former Member
0 Kudos

PI sheet document is pretty good.Pls share PI sheet business requirements.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Good information

Unfortunately there are pictures missing. 1 picture tells more than 1000 words.

Former Member
0 Kudos

thanks for sharing this useful information, good job Mr. Rajesh

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Nice document Rajesh..it would be more informative if you can share the images also.

0 Kudos

Wonderful...thanks for your sharing..however,pictures are missing...can u reattach them?

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi All,

Thanks for the comments....sure will reattach the missing pictures....

Former Member
0 Kudos

Good document.Thanks for sharing.

Kindly paste the images again.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Very useful information. People generally miss information in this area.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Nice documentation and very useful, thanks for sharing.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rajesh,

Nice document.Thanks for sharing.

As per my last reply pls elaborate more about PI sheet business requirement.What type of business requirement required for PI sheet implementation.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Nice doc and useful to understand PI sheets. Thanks for sharing.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank u

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Dear Rajesh Mahadevan,

You have prepared very good document ion PI sheet, lot of people are waiting for such kind of PI related documentation for practice and implementation purpose.

Very nice document. It would be better if you replace with original screen shots instead expanded one, since current screens are not clear.

Also if you provide any other data with screen shots related to PI , we will be very much thankful to you and will be appreciated your efforts.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Namaste Rajesh,

a good beginner's guide. Waiting for your advanced guide using XSteps (that provide a more convenient and comfortable way to maintain PI Sheets). :wink:

If you want to know more about SAP Process Management (PP-PI-PMA*) then check our SCN community for SAP Manufacturing. And join the XStep Cafe



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thanks Uwe,

will do that, but im not able to open the link  you have provided.... :???:

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Ravindra...im in the middle of golive, will post the business requiremnents document soon...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Namaste rajesh,

link to the XStep café is now fixed. Next session is planned this Wednesday (7th August).



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rajesh,

Good document. Thanks.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Good doc, thanks.

0 Kudos

Good document.Thanks for sharing .

0 Kudos

Useful document. Thankyou. Please post more documents like this.

0 Kudos

Hello Rajesh,

Good document.Thank you for sharing.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Great document fot beginner PI production.



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thank you friends for your comments.... :smile:

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Dear Rajesh Sir,

Thank you for this valuable information.

I have one issue. If i have more then one materials for Goods Issue than how should i do this as i have only one field to enter the material number and its quantity in PI sheet screen. I have assigned process message. And using PI_CONS as process message category.

Former Member
0 Kudos


Thanks a lot...!!!


Former Member
0 Kudos

Very good doc.

keep it up

Kareena Sing

0 Kudos

very nice docs..

Former Member
0 Kudos

usefull for begginners,good

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rajesh,

Nice documentation and very useful, thanks for sharing.



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thanks for Sharing

Active Participant
0 Kudos

good document and thanks for sharing.

Former Member
0 Kudos
Very Detailed information for beginner to get the Process.

0 Kudos
it is very helpful document but i am facing a problem when go to pisheet maintance the error is showing app is absoult in s4hana now what i need to do iam not understand can anyone help me how to do process in s4hana

0 Kudos
Very Useful Information


Thanks for sharing the Document.


0 Kudos
Very useful. At what point did you configure the Notes to appear i.e. Crushing, Chemical Mixing etc.


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