This is fifth part of the series SAP DIY Transformation Toolset for setting your Digital Journey. In case you missed the introduction, please click
here for context and links to the other selected tools sections.
SAP Transformation Navigator
Launched during SAPPHIRE 2017, and fantastically well-received by the community, SAP Transformation Navigator has been adopted by SAP customers as one of the key ingredients of their SAP S/4HANA Centric Digital Journey recipe. This free, self-service tool provides a simple and straight forward experience allowing you to build a roadmap and get recommendations for planning your digital transformation. It gives you guidance on recommended products based on currently used products, support building a business case based on the applicable value drivers (derived from products identified) and help planning the transition considering value aspiration and transition type of the recommended products.
When using the tool, you have the option to create a product map from the scratch, where you can browse products from the product catalog, or import your currently used products from the Maintenance Planner (if correctly maintained on SAP Solution Manager/Support Portal) and immediately the system provides the list of recommended products for your target architecture. For current products where there is more than one target recommended product, you must input additional information (architecture principles like cloud or on premise deployment preference) and the tool will automatically propose the target product.
Adding products to your product map is another simple but effective task; you can browse the SAP Products Catalog by product categories, or, in case you have no idea which solution will fulfill your business needs, you can simply add the right business capability and SAP Transformation Navigator will indicate the applicable applications with a comprehensive solution value proposition description and Business Drivers leveraged by those.
Having established your target architecture, it’s time to set a Business Case for your transformation journey. SAP Transformation Navigator will organize the list of value drivers leveraged by all the capabilities provided by the designed architecture so that you can select which value driver you aspire to improve and set your aspiration. The tool will bring an aspiration range based on SAP’s large benchmarking data available, and even allows you to transfer your selection to the SAP Value Lifecycle Manager tool (SAP’s tool for Value Management, also covered in this post) where you can run benchmarking and best practice surveys and carry out your business case.
At the end, you´ll be able to review and set your own transformation journey transitions periods that can be based on the number of enabled capabilities, value drivers, significance of the project for your organization, etc. Those are your roadmap stages.
Having finished setting your transformation journey, SAP Transformation Navigator will generate a set of guides with that data you just input. Each guide summarizes information and decisions of the self-service tool enriched with relevant overall SAP information.
The deliverables are split into an Overview Guide, a Business Guide (e.g. including Industry Specific Trends and Strategic Objectives), Technical Guide (e.g. Applications, Integration and Advanced System and Landscape Analysis) and a Transformation Guide (e.g. which includes Basic Transition Scenarios, License and Subscription Policies).
SAP Transformation Navigator is extremely intuitive and does not require any specific training for using it. The link to the tool can be found
Have a look also at this short and helpful video taken from Bernd Leukert’s keynote during SAPPHIRE 2017
Transformation Navigator is not a one-time event report. There is no doubt it is a fantastic tool when setting the foundation for planning and establishing your transformation journey as it points to strategic pathways and gives a clear route for digitized business advantage.
Make sure you bookmark it and use it as a pocket compass. It combines elements from useful tools like SAP Solution Explorer, Maintenance Planner, SAP Product and Solution Roadmaps, Software Update Manager, SAP Value Lifecycle Manager, SAP Model Company, Reference Architecture, Digital Engagement Framework, among others.
Target Audience
Enterprise Architects, Business Analysts, Value Engineers, Solution Architects, IT Stakeholders
here to go to next chapter and check SAP Value Lifecycle Manager details or get back to the
post summary.