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Create a Connection between SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud and SAP Datasphere

1.    Introduction

In the fast-paced digital landscape, businesses seek synergy between technology solutions to thrive. SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud offers robust ERP capabilities, while Datasphere empowers data-driven insights. Together, they form a dynamic partnership, driving innovation and efficiency.

In this blog, we unravel the connection between SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud and Datasphere. From integration strategies to real-world applications, discover how this convergence revolutionizes operational excellence and strategic decision-making.

Join us on a journey towards unlocking the full potential of this transformative partnership, where data-driven insights fuel unprecedented success in the digital era.

To make the same steps you must have enough permissions on the S4 side and on the Datasphere side.

2.    Basic Logic and Setup

We will setup the Connection to work with the S4 data in the Datasphere. To make sure that you have enough permissions to do that connection check the following steps:

xsnat_18-1715591994057.pngOn the Datasphere side you must have the permissions to setup a Connection with a System.


On the S4 side make sure that you have access to these apps. 

If you have all these requirements, then you are to go with the blog. 🙂

3.    Setup the Communication Settings in the S4

To build up the Connection between the S4 and Datasphere we must enable on the S4 side the communication between the S4 and other Systems. The first app that we we need to open is the App “Communication Arrangements.”

xsnat_20-1715592106972.pngAfter that you can click on “New” to create a new Communication Arrangement. Then a pop up will appear. There you can search for the scenario “SAP Datasphere - ABAP CDS Extraction - WebSocket Integration”

xsnat_21-1715592146664.pngAfter that you will jump in the Communication Arrangement. Then you can create a new communication System. This will be needed to declare which system will be take the data from the S4. For that click on new and enter a Name for your system and then click create.


Now you are in the Communication System. There you must enter the URL of your Datasphere tenant but make sure to remove the https:// of the URL. Your URL should be something like this: “your-datasphere-tenant.location.hcs.cloud.sap


Then you can scroll down until you reach the options for the Inbound Communication User. There you can click on the + and press the button to create a new User.

xsnat_24-1715592209047.pngYou now can create your own user. Enter there a Name and Description for the User and then you can enter your own password, or you can propose own. After you have done it you can click on Create.

xsnat_25-1715592245041.pngAfter you have created your Inbound Communication User you will be send back to the Communication System App. You will see that you User has been selected and you can confirm it by clicking “OK”.

xsnat_26-1715592280355.pngNow you can scroll down to the Outbound Communication User. There you can click on the + to create a new User. In the Pop up you can select the Authentication Method of the User. There you can select “None” and then you can create the User.

xsnat_27-1715592312002.pngNow you can save your communication System.


Now you are there where you have started. Select on the Authorization Group ID the Value “SAP_DSP_ALL” to have access to all Views from the S4.

xsnat_29-1715592357997.pngClick on save and then you have setup everything on the S4 side.


4.    Make the Connection to S4 in Datasphere

Now that we are back in the Datasphere we can create the connection to the S4. Go to the Connections and click on “Create” there you select the Connection “SAP ABAP.”


Then you can enter your credentials:


Protocol: Web Socket RFC

SAP Logon Connection Type: Application Server

Application Server: your-s4-tenant-api.s4hana.cloud.sap

Port: 443

Client: 100


Username: YourUsernamefromtheInboundConnection

Password: YourPasswordfromtheInboundConnection


Then you can click on “Next Step”


Enter a Name for the Connection and click on “Create Connection”.


The connection is created. If you want to check, if the connection has worked. You can select the Connection and click on the Validate button. There your connection will be validated.


If it has worked, you will see this message:


Now you can work with the S4 Views in the Datasphere. 🙂