New, Free @openSAP course: The Impact of Digitizat...
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Times are changing as we are well aware and with change, we need to learn to adapt and grow in order to succeed. The next openSAP thought leaders course, The Impact of Digitization on Leadership and Work, is brought to you by nextpractice – a German consulting company with a portfolio ranging from method-supported strategic management consultancy and design of cultural development processes to market, trend and social research studies.
With access to the internet and social media, communication is now on a global scale and viral stories can have both a positive and negative effect. A negative story in the local newspaper 20 years ago, would have little or no impact on a big business; but today, even local newspapers are online and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, leading to a much larger impact on business. One of the negative effects of the exponential growth in network density is an increase in unpredictability and instability. What seems right today can turn out as wrong or inadequate a moment later. So, how are we supposed to make the right decisions?
This course will explore how the digital world is affecting leadership and work from all aspects. It starts with a look at how unpredictable occurrences can cause chaos for companies with real world examples and explains how the analysis of culture can serve as a basis to make predictions about future directions. The course moves forward to present the results of two large-scale studies in Germany on “excellent leadership” and the “future of work”, which were based on the method of analysing culture developed by nextpractice. The course will explore how data collection can help you to predict outcomes and provide some helpful information that can prepare you as executive or decision-maker to face future challenges.
Join this free openSAP thought leaders course, The Impact of Digitization on Leadership and Work, and benefit from the experience that nextpractice has gained over the past 20 years in consulting businesses to avoid these common pitfalls. The course begins April 24 and contains two weeks of content.