Clean ABAP helps to write readable, testable and maintainable code. While much of this requires human expertise and team discipline, some aspects can be automated. In this presentation we will show you how ABAP cleaner and the Code Pal checks for the ABAP Test Cockpit can help you to easily integrate the Clean ABAP rules into your development process and give you an update on how ABAP cleaner has evolved since its initial release last year.
Speakers: Bjoern Jueliger and Joerg-Michael Grassau
Link to Validation Tutorial -
Code pal for ABAP β Cloud Edition:
ABAP cleaner:
Very usefull!
How does the ABAP Cleaner influence or incorporate with good old formatters like Pretty Printer or the Formatter of Eclipse?
My team consists of old ABAP developers who still develop in SE80 and even older transactions as it was used at 4.6c. Some of them stopped learning 15 years ago but are still doing development stuff.
Am I'm right in saying that once I used ABAP cleaner, Pretty Printer might undo changes, especially indentations?
Are there any legal consideration / licensing issues if the tool is used for a client for a project
Interesting presentation and feature addition. Thank you Bjoern Jueligerand Joerg-Michael Grassau.