2021 Nov 17 2:15 PM
Why does SAP not promote SAPEVT more? This is a very easy event driver that works nicely and is simple to use.
However, hardly any SAP Basis people seem to know about it.
2021 Nov 17 6:04 PM
Hi Maxx.
In my opinion the reason could be that sapevet is a command line program you run at the operating system level, and normally there is no access.
It is more convenient to fire events with a report that calls FM P_EVENT_RAISE.
By the way, the tag SAP Event Management refers to component of Supply Change Execution, not related to the batch jobs events.
Best regards, Rafael
2021 Nov 19 2:27 PM
Thanks, you are right about the FM if one only lives w/in SAP. I like SAPEVT to call events from outside the SAP system. E.g. you can have a "real-time" kick-off of from an external customer w/o having to wrestle with/explain "Restful" mumbo jumbo. I am just at a loss why SAP does not tout SAPEVT more.