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Remote Client Copy - delete action on tables, Slow processing, Large source DB.

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Hello All,

We started remote client copy on 3JAN20 night on our DEV system from our QAS system and it has been running till date.

Here are some info about the RCC,

1) Source DB (QAS) is about 1.2TB.

2) 15 RFC connections are config for parallel processing.

3) Additional space added in PASAPSR3 and PSAPTEMP in Target DB (DEV), as recommended by Test Run (Resource Check).

4) All users are locked in DEV and QAS so no further changes to data takes place.

5) DEV has two clients 4xx and 5xx. Remote Client Copy is being performed on 5xx.

6) We need entire data from QAS to DEV 5XX.

7) Client Copy profile selected is SAP_ALL.

😎 Remote Client Copy running from last 9 days.

9) Any form of client copy was not formed in DEV 5xx, in the past.

I have read lots of SAP Notes in SAP Knowledge Base and there is no check list which tells us if we are to go-ahead with remote client copy or not.

From SCC3, we know that tables yet to be copied to QAS are BSAS, BSIS, EKBE, FAGLFLEXA and MSEG. These are standard SAP tables and largest of all tables is FAGLFLEXA.

From SM66, we observed that delete operations is being performed on tables BSAS, BSIS, EKBE, FAGLFLEXA. Not sure why this is happening.

Even though 15 RFC connections are configured, DEV sometimes only performs DELETE operations on table FAGLFLEXA, and this went on for 3 days. This delete operation started after we cancelled client copy and restarted the same client copy. This restart helped us because, DEV started copying other tables and table yet to copied decreased. Management was happy about the process. However, we saw lot of RFC error, Copy error and Program error for tables in SCC3, post restart of client copy. However, DEV is clearing them one by one.

These were my experiences and we need someone to help us, understand why Client copy, initially tried to insert data in FAGLFLEXA table, and post cancel and restart of Remote Client Copy, deletion of data is being performed in FAGLFLEXA table?




Active Contributor
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Hi Aziz.

1. Check the over all free disk space in target system?

2. Check the remote client copy log as mention in the sap note link



0 Kudos

Hello Sriram,

Here are my observations,

1. We have 1.178TB free in PSAPSR3 tablespace.

2. Remote Client Copy log from SCC3 , SM21 and ST22 - show no errors, except for RFC connections being timed out.



Active Participant
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Hi azizbasha35

Same way, if you see large tables on your source there can performance issue while copying and it can be done via DB level and you can skip those table copy from client copy expert setting.

I hope its helpful.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Aziz.

Could you share the full as text format attachment?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Aziz.

Refer the SAP note 489690 to avoid the timeout during the remote client copy as mention in the topic TIMEOUT



0 Kudos

Hello Deepak,

As you mentioned, i agree copying table Table FAGLFLEXA would take long time, as it has 316,813,485 records in it, as per target client. Initially in the beginning this table was being copied, but post restart this table started delete operation.

Yes i did go through parallel process improvement FAQ for Client Copy and performed all the essentially steps.

Kindly guide me with any document on how to perform Oracle DB level table copy. This could solve my problem.

Sriram @ I will check the SAP note 489690 to avoid TIME_OUT. Thank you.


Aziz Basha

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I wouldn't recommend a remote client copy if the source database size is 1.2 TB and the copy profile used is SAP_ALL. The best solution would be to perform a database copy. If there are multiple clients on the target system and you do not want all the other clients to be updated or lost then the option would be client export and import.

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We have two clients in Target Client and we only need one client to be copied. Export and Import was ruled out as it was giving error. However, we need help with Remote Client Copy performance issue.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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If export/import is throwing an error then you should look for solutions to fix that. The approach you have is not going to speed up the copy. Delete on large tables will be slow. The best would be to identify those tables, then use DB tools (SQL) to create a temporary table and move data (except the data from client to be refreshed) from the original table and truncate those tables. Finally you move the data for the second client from the temporary table to the main table.

0 Kudos

Thank you all for your help and suggestions.

I have applied recommendations from SAP Note 446485 and Remote Client Copy has progressed at good pace.

I am marking this question as Answered.