2020 Mar 02 11:56 AM
Hello Expert,
Please forgive me if my question sound funny. i have two tier landscape, that is two instance on one server. see the details below
DEV Instance with
client 120, 160, 100, 180
QAS Instance with
Client 300, 320, 340.
I want to refresh 300 with client 120. kindly assist me on how to go about achieving this..
2020 Mar 02 12:06 PM
Hello - from your other questions, it sounds like you are on 1909. Please check out the new client copy tool - https://blogs.sap.com/2020/01/06/the-new-client-copy-tool-for-s-4hana-asug-webcast-recap/
2020 Mar 02 2:57 PM
2020 Mar 02 12:14 PM
Hi Kanayo
You can use the SAP client copy export /import method. both (DEV & QAS) SAP version should be same.
Client copy export 120 & target client import 300.
2020 Mar 02 2:56 PM
Hello Sriram,
Thanks but how assist me with the step to export 120 and target client 300. Again the two client is on different instance.
2020 Mar 02 3:29 PM
Hi Kanayo.
I am not tried in HANA, you can follow in the steps as mention in the SAP note
2020 Mar 02 4:07 PM
Client export/import would be the best approach in your case. In order to perform that you need to have sufficient space at the OS level for the (DIR_TRANS) file system as the data will be exported based on the copy profile you select to the disk level. The import procedure basically imports the data from the dump file at the OS level. Check note 1537913 - Client Copy: Local, Remote, Export/Import & deletion and follow the instructions from point 4. Client Transport: Export and Import. You just need to select the copy profile when you kick start the export.
2020 Mar 03 10:07 AM
Hello Reagan,
I need an export (SCC8) from client 120 (TM4 System) as the source to (TM5 system) client 300. and i chooses this profile (SAP_EXBC) i run it as a batch job but it show that it ended with error. attach is the error log. Kindly assist
2020 Mar 03 10:22 AM
The error log says "Batch user SAP_SYSTEM does not exist". Create the user and start the export again or use a different user. First check the log of the background job for export.
2020 Mar 11 7:21 AM
Hi Kanayo,
As per my understanding, Both the DEV and QAS instance have shared TRANS directory to park the client export files.
Client Export/Import involve below steps:
Source system or Instance(DEV):
1. Use SCC8 with relevant profile selected from client 120.
2. Review the client logs in SCC3 and make sure the client export is completed successfully.
Target system or Instance (:
1. Use stms_import and refresh the buffer then import the client by selecting files KT/KX file in the Import buffer.
2. Post completion of Client import in STMS_IMPORT we need to perform post client import using SCC7.
3. Monitor the post client import status using SCC3 and make sure the post client import is completed successfully.
Also i can see you are facing error as "Batch user SAP_SYSTEM does not exist" could you please post the Client export Job detailed logs or refer below KBA which might be relevant to reported issue.
Solution: Make sure either SAP_SYSTEM or DDIC user id exist in every active client of the system or Instance.