2019 Mar 13 10:47 AM
Hello Experts,
I need to know more on user (sap-sid)adm.
e.g. if we have an instance ABC of SAP, then there is supposed to be user "abcadm".
I checked the following URL
My question is this -- we have an "...adm" user however we dont find this user in Active Directory. Is it a requirement to have this "...adm" user in Active Directory? Further we have a custom functionality where from SAP Business Client (PPM), user can create a folder on a designated windows shared drive. This custom program is execute as the "...adm" user - these programs are running fine. So where can I actually find this user and what rights/access this user has?
Sorry for the question being vague.
Best Regards,
Ashwini Pingle
2019 Mar 13 12:16 PM
Hello Ashwin,
The SIDadm user must exist.
If SAP is running on Windows, it must be a local administrator.
Whether the user exists at Active Directory or locally, it is a choice made at the SAP installation time.
2019 Mar 15 11:19 AM
Thanks a lot Isaias for your response.
What if SAP is running on Linux? Can we expect this user to be the admin of Linux or only the directory where SAP is installed?
Best Regards,
Ashwini Pingle
2019 Mar 15 1:26 PM
Hello Ashwin,
You are welcome!
On Linux/UNIX, the SIDadm is just a normal user. When SAP is installed, the installation tool already sets the required file access permissions on the SAP folders.
Best regards,