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Move transport from Project landscape to BAU Production

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Hi guys,

We need to move multiple transports coming from our Project landscape to BAU landscape.

We already moved it to our Dev BAU but I want to know if we still need to create new transports in Dev BAU and include these transports so that we can move it to QA BAU and Production BAU?

What is the best practice in moving transports from different source landscape?


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Technically, it is no problem to add each transport to the DEV, QAS and PRD import queue. But you have to do it manually. If you want to use the 'automatic forwarding' you have to create a new transport request in DEV with the object list from the original request.

In my company, we have some 3rd party products and updates (which come with transports) are manually added and imported in each queue. The objects are all in a namespaces which we do not use in our systems.