2022 Apr 24 8:45 AM
I read in blog post that in order to access the "SAP Netweaver Administrator" (aka: SAP nwa) you should access a URL formed this way http://<server>:<port>/nwa
is it possible I find out the "server" and "port" portion of the URL from an ABAP system? And if it possible please tell me what transaction should I use and what to do exactly.
Thanks in advance.
2022 Apr 25 6:56 AM
Hi Kamel,
1. NWA is meant for the either JAVA or ABAP+JAVA system.
2. For ABAP you have to use a different type of ABAP transaction codes, for the server name and ABAP port details you may get it in the SAP WebGUI. refer the blog it may help you
2022 Apr 25 2:25 PM
Hello Karim,
for abap system check the following transactions
smicm -> defined ports, defined hostname
sicf -> web services (e.g. http://<hostname>/sap/public/ping )
the NWA application is part of a java stack and this is not running on an abap only system