2020 Apr 25 4:21 AM
Hello All ,
How can we change environmental variables in sap ?
Would like to change ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/SID/112_64 to ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/SID/121.
Please suggest .
Thanks .
2020 Apr 27 7:27 AM
For Linux OS
Log on as the user for which you want to change the variable
Go to your home directory by entering "cd"
Enter "grep ORACLE_HOME .*"
Now you can see all occurences of ORACLE_HOME in the relevant files
Edit all files and change the entry to the desired value
Log off and on again
On Linux/Unix, the SAP users (sidadm, orasid) use the c-shell. A temporary change can be done by entering "setenv ORACLE_HOME <New value". The export command is used in another shell.
For Windows OS it depneds on the windows version, just do a google search on "Windows <Version> change environment variable".
2020 Apr 25 5:29 AM
at the command line level you can use:
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/SID/112_64 to ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/SID/121
If this is a reoccuring need, you should add this line to your bash .profile on the unix machine.
Your question is vague as to what you have access to.
2020 May 08 5:02 AM
2020 Apr 27 7:27 AM
For Linux OS
Log on as the user for which you want to change the variable
Go to your home directory by entering "cd"
Enter "grep ORACLE_HOME .*"
Now you can see all occurences of ORACLE_HOME in the relevant files
Edit all files and change the entry to the desired value
Log off and on again
On Linux/Unix, the SAP users (sidadm, orasid) use the c-shell. A temporary change can be done by entering "setenv ORACLE_HOME <New value". The export command is used in another shell.
For Windows OS it depneds on the windows version, just do a google search on "Windows <Version> change environment variable".
2020 May 04 7:15 AM
Update environment paremeter in file .dbenv.csh at location /home/SIDADM
2020 May 04 7:36 AM
Update environment paremeter in file .dbenv.csh at location /home/SIDADM
2020 May 08 5:04 AM