2022 Jul 07 5:33 AM
Good Day Everyone
How can we disable auto adding Authorisation objects for transaction while creating a role?
The case is that, when I started to create a role I added transaction by clicking "transaction" button on menu
and after going to authorizations tab, standard auth objects are being added automatically for the corresponding transaction. and they can not be deleted
I want to add auth objects manually, is it possible to disable auto adding standard auth objects?
2022 Jul 07 9:28 AM
You can change this behavior in transaction SU24 at transaction level.
After selecting the transaction choose the relevant authorization object(s) and using the Proposal button select No.
However I think a better approach is to simply leave them deactivated in PFCG.
2022 Jul 07 9:28 AM
You can change this behavior in transaction SU24 at transaction level.
After selecting the transaction choose the relevant authorization object(s) and using the Proposal button select No.
However I think a better approach is to simply leave them deactivated in PFCG.
2022 Jul 07 2:07 PM
To do this for all transaction takes a lot of times,
is there any other ways to change this parameter for all transactions?
2022 Jul 09 8:38 PM
I am not aware of any method to do this at system level.