2020 Jan 18 1:31 AM
Dear Expert,
I install an IDES 1610 S/4HANA, My colleagues the FICO consultant want to add new entries in Chart of Account and it is throwing this error. "dbsql_table_unknown" Please i need help on how to fix this error message.
2020 Jan 20 10:42 AM
Based on the dump you've supplied it appears to be view is missing.
Follow note 2421686 - CDS view(DDL SQL View) cannot be activated with RUTDDLSACT and use the report RUTDDLSACT to create the missing views.
2020 Jan 18 4:28 AM
2020 Jan 18 2:11 PM
2020 Jan 18 5:22 PM
Supply the full dump. You can export the full dump as a text file and attach it here.
2020 Jan 18 5:55 PM
Hi Ezeh.
Is this any correction in the database? check the dbacockpt any error in the database level?
2020 Jan 19 2:13 PM
Hello Reagan Benjamin
See the attach is the error am getting trying to export dump file
2020 Jan 20 4:52 AM
Hi Ezeh.
Check this SAP note it may help you.
2020 Jan 20 10:42 AM
Based on the dump you've supplied it appears to be view is missing.
Follow note 2421686 - CDS view(DDL SQL View) cannot be activated with RUTDDLSACT and use the report RUTDDLSACT to create the missing views.
2020 Jan 26 2:44 PM
Hello Reagan,
Thanks for all your support but my challenge is that i try to use the report RUTDDLSACT which i generated using SE38 but to do mass upload is the challenge i have. the issue is still not resolved. Thanks
2020 Jan 26 9:02 PM
First run the report with couple of views and again check DB02 - Missing Indexes and Tables. You need to click the refresh option to let the system perform a new check. Once the check has been completed, check if the ones you've activated using the report has gone or not. If the list is big then you should consider the mass processing option after you select the "Create on DB" icon under the Action field. Unfortunately you need to do it for all the entries. The note 2418979 has all the details.
This time, there is nothing much I can advice you here. If the creation of views fail then raise an OSS message with SAP and open the remote connection to the system.
Good luck and take care.
2020 Feb 03 8:17 AM
Hello reagan.benjamin
Thanks i was able to do mass upload and all the missing view where created successfully issues resolved. Thanks