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BOBJ logon issue via SSO

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi guys,

Just to seek your help, we are having an issue in BOBJ 4.2 wherein when a user logs in via SSO, the below error message appears:

Account information not recognized: Enterprise authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct. (FWB 00008)

The user is not deactivated. As a matter of fact, when a user manually enter the password, it works and user can login to the system successfully.


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Philip ,

What is kind of authentication method we guys are using for SSO

for Kerberos authentication make sure to check

kbr5.ini file and its content about KDC mapping and domain_realm etc. changes and availability

other steps to check and follow as well

Stop the SIA on all the nodes

ping or create ODBC DSN for CMS, Audit databases ( re-create If DB changes)

Form the SIA Properties >> Configuration tab, update the data source with the new DSN.

Form the SIA Properties >> Configuration tab, change the cluster name ( if needed)

Start the SIA.

1744212 - Updating CMS Database Configuration in BI 4.x? [How-To]

check and share Tomcat logs and ensure to check server.xml file changes also.

Thanks , Sankar

0 Kudos

Hi Sankara,

Is there a log in CMC or BOBJ application side that I can check? I do not have access on the OS level because we are PAAS support.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi philip0929,

This well organized blog from David Lai might shed a light on your topic.

Please kindly advise if the information was useful.



0 Kudos

Hi Luis,

Is there a log in CMC or BOBJ application side that I can check? I do not have access on the OS level because we are PAAS support.