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Vertex Tax Solution - Installation: -

As a SAP BASIS Consultant, sometimes we need to Manage and Maintain a Software called Vertex. There is multiple aspect of this software and one of that is Administration of Vertex Application. So I thought to share my knowledge while working as an SAP BASIS Administrator.

In this blog, we will discuss How to Install Vertex Application for SAP.

Installation - Vertex O Series

Let's start with installation, Installation of any software is required very extensive knowledge about that product. So we need to understand all the pre-steps and post-steps involve for installation. We need to understand the "Installation Process" to install the Vertex and different components.

Vertex Application Server Installation: -

To install Vertex Application for SAP Tax calculation (3rd party), We need to know the basic requirement for operating system, database, JRE, Webservice and Database Connectors that can be used for installation.

  • Operating System - We can install on MS Windows Server, IBM AIX, HP UX, Solaris, SUSE, RedHat OS etc.

  • Database - MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL and HANA.

  • JRE - JRE 1/61.8 or higher.

  • Webserver services - “Apache Tomcat/Oracle WebLogic”.

  • Database Connector - MS SQL JDBC, Oracle JDBC and IBM DB2 Universal driver.

Hardware requirements: -

Minimum hardware requirements to install Vertex Application Server is:- Dual Core Processor, 4GB RAM, 8GB free Disk Space, 100 Base T Network.

Minimum hardware requirements to install Database Server is:- Dual Core Processor, 4GB RAM, 8GB free Disk Space, 100 Base T Network.

Disk-Space-Estimator:- To calculate the requirements of Hard Disk space for Vertex Database, we need to consider some points like:- Sales Invoice per month, line items per invoice, Vendor Invoice per month, line items per invoice, Total line items per Year.

Note: - These requirements apply to only the Vertex application. Requirements of any third-party products, such as a relational database server or a J2EE server, are not included. And more details we can find in “Vertex O Series v9 Hardware and Software Requirements.pdf” available at Vertex Support Portal.

Pre-Steps - (For Installation): -

For the installation we must go through the latest Release Notes, we need to review the installation process and perform the pre-installation tasks:

    • Review installation requirements and recommendations.

    • Set the Java heap size to 5120 MB.

    • Place your new license.dat file into your vertex root directory for O Series.

    • Run the Installation program.

    • View the Installation Log file.

Installation - (Steps involve during Installation): -

Below are some steps which is involve during the installation: -

  • Install JKD/JRE/OpenJDK

  • Install Apache Tomcat/Oracle WebLogic

  • Install an appropriate type 4 JDBC driver

  • Install Database DB2/Oracle/MS SQL Server/HANA/PostgreSQL

  • Installing O Series using the UI installer

  • Navigate to the directory that contains the installation file

  • Execute command “java -jar vertex_o_series_install_<release>.jar”

  • Installation Wizard will be displayed, follow the screen to finish the installation.

  • On the Features page, select the components (O Seriese, Apache, GIS Database, Journal Database and Reporting Database etc.) that you want to install and click Next.

Note: - If you do not select any components, nothing is installed, but empty folders are created for the components.

  • The Web Applications page - Select the web applications (O Series UI, Calculation Service, Configuration Service, Certificate Portal) that you want to deploy to the embedded Tomcat application server. All the web applications are selected by default.

  • Provide the Administrator Password.

  • Fill the details on Transaction Reporting System Database Setting page. (Like:- JDBC Driver, Server Name, Instance Name, Port Number, Database Name, User Name, Password and Schema Name)

  • Fill the details on Retail Tax Extract Database Setting page. (Like:- JDBC Driver, Server Name, Instance Name, Port Number, Database Name, User Name, Password and Schema Name)

  • Fill the Server Details on Batch Client Interface Database.

  • Fill the Server Details on Journal Database Setting page.

  • Fill the Server Details on Reporting Database Setting page.

  • Provide License Files with complete path of the file.

  • Review all the provided details on Final/Review Page.

  • Click on back through the pages if any change is needed or click on Next to start Installation.

  • On finish of installation a Installation completed page will be displayed click on Done to exit.

  • We can save this installation properties for future installation.

Running a properties file installation

  • The properties file installation is launched from the command line.

  • You must include the -f parameter and the name of the install properties file.

For example: - java -jar vertex-o-series-install-9.0.0.n.n.jar -f

(Where: 9.0.0.n.n is the version of O Series you are running)

Support : -

To get any Support we can use the Vertex Customer Support Center And also we can get help from SAP under the components - Tax Interface (USA) (XX-PART-TIF).

SAP Support - Go to….. Vertex Support - Go to ….
SAP ONE Support Launchpad The Vertex Community / Customer Support.


We understood the basics of Vertex Application Installation. I hope the content is very informative to you.

Please write your query/feedback to this blog.

Thank You

Medha Nand Jha

