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SAP Contact Center - ECF Chat customization

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we want to use the chat channel from Contact Center (FP15). Therefore I have configured ECF and RI VU of Contact Center. This is working fine so far. I have also configured a visitor app with the configurator.

After initial configuration I have some questions regarding customization. Maybe somebody can help me …

  1. It is possible to create a selection of chat topics which are visible for the visitor. I thought that this information is visible for agent (who get this chat request) at the chat incoming view or somewhere else. But there is nothing. Shouldn't this information be visible for the agent? It is maybe possible to add this additional information to "ChatIncoming.view.xml" of the Communication Panel?
  2. Within the "ChatIncoming.view.xml" is another Information/parameter: queueAnswerInfo. Which kind of information is it and when is it filled/visible?
  3. The chat ringtone of Communication Panel is only played once during an incoming chat. This is only a short "Beep" for 1 or 2 seconds. Is this a normal behaviour or is it a false configuration? I would like to have a ringtone until the chat will be accepted (like ringtone in CDT). I could replace the soundfile with another file but maybe there is another solution …

Thanks and kind regards


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Hi Michael,

I would consider using chat client introduced in FP16 as we are not planning to develop further the client in FP15. Notice that the FP16 version is built on React UI technology and is much faster, lightweight and runs on Apple as well.

Your questions 1 & 2 are basically about CAD (Contact Attached Data). Likewise in calls you may add data to this field that is shown to user. Typically we have seen that this kind of data is collected from website, for example the page customer is browsing when starting the chat is attached to the contact. Also quite often customers are using chatbot to collect the data you are looking for.

1. Yes, you can add data to CAD and that can be displayed in Answer Info of Communication Panel for example, or you can utilize the data in Extension Area as well (FP16 feature)
2. The Queue Answer Info comes from CAD or static text, for example "VIP QUEUE" at SC -> Queue Management -> CDT Settings -> Queue Contact Information
Help pages should tell how to attached CAD in here.

3. Yeah, you are right. Works the same way in FP16 as well. If I remember right FP15 had a short beep only. In FP16 you have more options to select what kind of ringtone is played. There is for example files that play much longer and that should solve the issue.

Overall I do recommend to upgrade. The latest package is FP16 Patch100 and that is my recommendation. We can also have a conf call about the chat features (also about FP16) if you wish. Just send an invite (


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Hi Jukka,

thanks for your answer. I will discuss it with my colleagues.

Kind Regards