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SAP CC - Master charge only generates a positve BIT

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Hello we have a use case where through a master charge we are trying to generate a negative BIT during full cancellation. Under a one shot "suspension logic". The same charge also needs to generate a customer postive bit for monthly recurring cycles. 

However at time of cancellation , we specifically want a -ve BIT hence use a arithmetic computation . base amount = price x -1 . The base amount is then passed in BIT information in BIT_AMOUNT in charge plan. At the time this is received in ERP , the amount comes in as positive and we see a +BIT in CI. Any idea what setting could be causing this issue ?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It should not be an issue to create BIT with negative amount. To move forward, you can set the trace domain (LS_TRC_DOMAIN) of SAP CC to JCO and increase the trace severity (LS_TRC_SEVEIRTY) to DEBUG by using admin+.
Then, redo the test of creating the BIT and wait the loading into SAP CI, reset the 2 parameters with admin+. 

You should see in the trace of the bulkloader the content which has been provided to SAP CI. 

Best regards,

Eric F.