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Permissions from SAP CRM on premise to SAP Marketing Cloud

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Hello SAP Community,

we want to synchronize marketing permissions from CRM on premise to SAP Marketing cloud.

I already found the following blog:

Blog Marketing Permission

and an added Guide:

Guide Documentation

Why do I need to create a Z-BADI in the CRM? Is this Z-Badi really necessary?

What we have is the Basistype: CRMXIF_PARTNER_REL_SAVE_M03

Furthermore I have in the CPI the standard iFlow:




In this standard iFlow I have the mapping to the marketing perimissions between CRM and yMKT.

Is it now possible to add the "Replicate Contact Permission From CRM to yMKT" Mapping into our Partner_Rel Mapping?

Does anyone of you have experience with this iFlows and may give me a hint?

BR Christof

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Hi Christof,

below my comments.


inside the BAdI we are checking for valid contacts and marketing permissions to load only the valid contacts and marketing permissions to CPI.

See page 9 in the guide.

Those methods are later on used in the BAdI. See page 29 of the guide.

All those settings enable us to filter already on CRM side and we don't need to filter on CPI/ marketing side. This reduces IDOC traffic in addition.


As you can see below for the Relationship Mapping another IDOC structure is used: M02 and not M03



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Hi Lungile,

my comment to your questions:

1) No, SAP has not been delivering the implementation, it will be staying a custom implementation.

2) all the methods in your image on the left hand size are inherited from the standard superclass.

the two new own methods in your image on the right hand size are the new own custom methods and are different from the inherited

methods, both names and logic. The name of your new own custom methods has an underscore at the end, but the name of the inherited

from standard does not have.





The inherited methods can not be redefined, because they are defined as static method.

best regards,

Ti No

0 Kudos

Hi Ti No

In reference to the document you qouted above. Does this mean that if my client is on an Ehancement package 3 (7.0 ) the BAdi has been implemented by SAP?

Furthermore when i was trying to create my own custom class in reference to document you mentioned above, I discoverd that most of the methods were already created by SAP. (please see the screenshot attached)

Does this mean that if there methods that are already implemented then there is not need to add custom one?

0 Kudos

on the page 4 of this guide it's written:

  • In release 1805, BAdI implementation must be done manually.
  • In release 1808, BAdI implementation shall be delivered by SAP in SAP CRM support package.

update information:

  1. BAdI implementation must be done manually in customer namespace (Z or Y).
  2. Because the business scenario "Marketing Permissions" is available in SAP CRM 7.0 EHP1 SP05 or higher and the support package must be delivered in a compatible way, therefore standard BAdI implementation has not been delevired by SAP, user needs to implement BAdI manually in customer namespace (Z or Y).

best regards,

Ti No

0 Kudos

Hi Christof,

below my answer and comment to your questions:

there are two standard iflows relevant to Idoc CRMXIF_PARTNER_SAVE_REL_MXX

1) CRM_Business_Partner_Relationship_yMKT:

using the basec type CRMXIF_PARTNER_REL_SAVE_M02 that does not have the structure of marketing permissions and is used to

replicate contact and relationship information from CRM on premise

2) Replicate Contact Permissions from CRM to YMKT:

using the basec type CRMXIF_PARTNER_REL_SAVE_M03 that does have the structure of marekting permissions and is used to load

marketing permissions from CRM on premise initially

In order to start the initial load of contact permissions from CRM to marketing cloud, you need to implement the BADi CRMXIF_PARTNER_R_MAP as customer implementation and do the connection to the end point of the standard iflow "Replicate Contact Permissions from CRM to YMKT" , because the BAdi CRMXIF_PARTNER_R_MAP is a non multiple use BAdi, that means only one active BAdi-implementation is allowed to be used. If you already have an active BAdi-implementation in use, you have to deactivate this implementation and activate the BAdi-implementation for initial load of contact permissions temporarely. After use you can deactivate the BAdi-implementation for initial load of contact permissions. That is the reason why a Z-BAdi is necessary.

You do not need to do the mapping, because the mapping is already done in the standard iflow "Replicate Contact Permissions from CRM to YMKT". What you really have to do is described in the setup guide and the blog.

As Maik's comment, the implemented code of the BAdi checks and filters valid contact permissions, invalid contact permissions may not be loaded to CPI.

you can not combine the mapping of "Replicate Contact Permissions from CRM to YMKT" with the mapping of "CRM_Business_Partner_Relationship_yMKT", because the settings of the both logical systems in CRM middleware are different.

The logical system for the iflow "CRM_Business_Partner_Relationship_yMKT" is configurated for delta load. That means every change is replicated.

The logical system for the iflow "Replicate Contact Permissions from CRM to YMKT" si configurated for initial load, that means any change is not replicated

best regards,

Ti No