on 2008 May 09 11:45 AM
During the normal process agents search for emails in CRM IC Inbox, selects the open mails and presses on the "Process & Record" button (in CRM 5.0 its called Interact). During this process an Interaction Record (a service ticket in our case) is created in the background. The requirement is to fill certain custom fields in BTAdminH (custom field is part of the CRMD_ORDERADM_H table). Has someone tried filling the custom fields part of the Interaction Record?
Hello Krish,
Here is the code to get CURRENTCUSTOMER.
DATA: context_area TYPE REF TO cl_crm_ic_contextareaview_impl.
DATA: bdc TYPE REF TO cl_crm_ic_cucobdc_impl.
DATA col_wrapper TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper.
DATA: customer TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
context_area = cl_crm_ic_services=>contextarea_contr.
IF context_area IS BOUND.
bdc ?= context_area->get_custom_controller( 'CuCoBDC' ).
"Get Current Customer
col_wrapper = bdc->typed_context->currentcustomer->get_collection_wrapper( ).
customer = col_wrapper->get_current( ).
Debug this code and in CONTEXT_AREA you will see a lot of CURRENT objects, there are a CURRENTINTERACTIONRECORD or CURRENTERPORDER objects as well.
So you can Change/Fill any Atributes thats you want
Good Luck
Eli Steklov
Please Reward Points if it Helped
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Hi Eli,
I am also facing similar type of issue, i am raising a alert on account identification screen while confirming the account.
DATA: context_area TYPE REF TO cl_crm_ic_contextareaview_impl.
*-- Retrieving the BP Status Information
CLASS cl_crm_ic_services DEFINITION LOAD.
context_area = cl_crm_ic_services=>contextarea_contr.
IF context_area IS BOUND.
bdc ?= context_area->get_custom_controller( 'CuCoBDC' ). "#EC NOTEXT
Fill main partner with confirmed BP
value = bdc->get_xpath_property_as_string(
'//currentCustomer/BP_NUMBER' ).
partner_no = value.
get the BP GUID
value = bdc->get_xpath_property_as_string(
'//currentCustomer/BP_GUID' ).
partner_guid = value.
CATCH: cx_crm_bdc_no_data, cx_crm_bdc_xpath_error.
I am not getting any value in context_area andthats why its throwing an exception.
Could you please suggest me if I did something wrong?
Kamesh Bathla
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