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Backoffice Action ClassNotFoundException

0 Kudos

Hello experts,

I'm currently trying to add a backoffice custom action (for Category) into my project and I've been following the action documentation (Creating an action & Using Actions in Widgets). I have a definition.xml file in the ressources folder, and my actionClass in the backoffice/src folder.

I've go no error on compilation, the server starts and run properly, but when i land on a Category i got a ClassNotFoundException ( The full Stacktrace at the end of the question). I've tried to move in different folders/changing the package of the action and so on.

Could you help me pointing what i missed or what i'm doing wrong ?

The Hybris Version 6.4

Files are as follow:


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <action-definition xmlns:xsi=""
     <description>Clear products link to selected Category</description>


 import com.hybris.cockpitng.actions.ActionContext;
 import com.hybris.cockpitng.actions.ActionResult;
 import com.hybris.cockpitng.actions.CockpitAction;
  * Created by mco on 21/11/17.
 public class ClearProductsAction implements CockpitAction<String, String>
      * invoked when an action is executed
      * @param ctx
      * @return
     public ActionResult<String> perform(ActionContext<String> ctx)
         ActionResult<String> result = null;
         final String data = ctx.getData();
         if (data != null)
             result = new ActionResult<String>(ActionResult.SUCCESS, ctx.getLabel("message", new Object[] { data }));
             result = new ActionResult<String>(ActionResult.ERROR);
 // + " (" + result.getResultCode() + ")");
         return result;
      * Determines the state in which the action will be rendered
      * @param ctx
      * @return
     public boolean canPerform(ActionContext<String> ctx)
         return true;
     public boolean needsConfirmation(ActionContext<String> ctx)
         return true;
     public String getConfirmationMessage(ActionContext<String> ctx)
         return "confirm please";


     <context type="Category" component="editorareaactions"
              parent="GenericItem" xmlns:y="">
             <y:group qualifier="common">
                 <y:action action-id="" property="currentObject">

The full stacktrace

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos


the error is in where you located the definition.xml:

is: backofficeextension/resources/cockpitng/widgets/actions/clearproducts/definition.xml should be: backofficeextension/backoffice/resources/widgets/actions/clearproducts/definition.xml

Cheers, Wojtek

Former Member
0 Kudos

I think, there's a tiny typo here. Instead of ressources there should be resources with single s.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thx, fixed :)

0 Kudos

Hi Wojtek,

Thanks a lot for your reply, i confirm this was the problem, now everything works fine !

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Wojciech,

That fixed my problem too when creating my customized sync action but I have another problem, it's about getting another "Synchronize Action" appended to the list view bar on the Backoffice while all I need is one sync action using the implementation of my customized sync action class. Do you have any idea?


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I do it on daily basis and all works just fine. As you have obfuscated the code, it may be that you have some simple spelling mistake there. Please check it carefully - all looks fine in what you attached.

Cheers, Jacek

0 Kudos

I also tried to add some properties like the "keywords" one to try to be the closer possible from some other action-definitions but without great success