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T100 message substitution: Possible. OTR: substitution is possible?

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Dear all:

I have a requirement to change some words which appears on messages (due to political reasons, some words are banned in the project I'm working on...).

I have found the possibility to substitute T100 Messages, in IMG / Customer Relationship Management / UI Framework / UI Framework Definition / Define Messages to Be Replaced. --> This is OK.

But some of these messages have parameters, which are filled with words that are coming from OTR Texts.

I donu2019t want to modify OTR texts defined by SAP, since this is a repair.

The question is: Is there some possibility to replace OTR texts, like it is done for T100 Messages?

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Hi Jordi,

If you know the place from where the message is being added, and it can be enhanced a/c to component enhancement concept, then you can simply re-define the method from where the message is being added and pass your own parameters. Otherwise you can try to manipulate the message contained in message container of BOL layer from an appropriate view controller class.



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Dear Shiromani Sharma:

Thanks for your answer.

It is obvious.

I explain better my need: Due to political reasons, some words are banned in the system. These words are already removed from the field labels, not from the messages.

There may be lots of places where the messages are raised. I can't redefine every place... Ii is a huge work, and non-sense.

In the message substitution, there is a central place where the substitution is done. This is very useful.

The idea is to have a central place where the terms which are coming from OTR can be substituted. Iu2019m considering enhancing CL_WD_UTILITIES=>GET_OTR_TEXT_BY_ALIAS



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You can rewrite OTR texts in tx. SOTR_EDIT according to your needs.

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Dear Andrei:

¿Did you carefully read the thread?



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Ok then, Jordi, sorry for that.

But I think, it's better to change OTR text, then to implement an implicity enhancement.

Actually you need to implement more then one enhancements.

Because there are several methods to get OTR text besides CL_WD_UTILITIES=>GET_OTR_TEXT_BY_ALIAS:


CL_BSP_RUNTIME=>GET_OTR_TEXT (all classes which implements interface IF_BSP_RUNTIME and its method GET_OTR_TEXT)

In general, all places of a system call:

system-call otr get_text_by_alias

should be enhanced.

Also you can use not the Edit option, but Translate option of OTR to adopt the text to your needs.

And one more question. Why did you decide that changing the OTR text is the repairing? I've never met the definite statement what is the repairement in the system. Appreciated if you share the knowledge.

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Dear Andrei:

Thanks for your comments.

I agree, I would need to implement several enhancement points, and this is not convenient.

And yes, of course, I can edit any OTR text, but I think this can be considered a repair, because in TADIR, they are marked as Repaired object (field TADIR-SRCDEP = u2018Ru2019) in case of modification. Note that OTR texts are R3TR/SOTR. Isnu2019t it? Note also that the text is included in a task type Repair in the transport request.

Frankly speaking, I don't have experience about what can happen in case of modifying a text defined by SAP and later, an enhancement package is installed, or an Upgrade is done. What kind of conflict could happen? Would be the modifications respected?



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In TADIR there is only a package of OTR texts under R3TR/SOTR. And if you change definite alias there is only LIMU/SOTT object in the transport request.

All right then, Translate option of OTR does not make any requests. And nothing is changed in TADIR. It makes it in the general translation way which should not be considered as modification or repairement, I believe.

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Dear Andrei:

I donu2019t understand. In our System we have 1526 entries defined by SAP in TADIR with lots of DEVCLASS.

On our case, the texts defined by SAP are already translated by SAP to our language (Spanish)

When you mention u201Ctranslate option of OTRu201D, how do you do it? Arenu2019t you using transaction SOTR_EDIT?



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For translation of OTR text go to SOTR_EDIT. Enter the alias name there and go to Display. Then choose menu Goto -> Translation and then choose target language (for you it's Spanish). Then you'll be brought to the translation screen and there will be current translation. Which can be edited.

So you'll do the translation to Spanish, but in different way then SAP AG thinks it should be. For instance, there are a lot of standard messages and texts which are incorrectly translated to Russian. And we've adopted them to fix missunderstandings.

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Dear Andrei:

Thanks a lot.

I got you. Now I understand you. In my system, is Goto / Review.

I was trying with the Change Button.

I see that no transport request is generated, unless Transport is forced (Transport button). Then, the text is included in a transport request, but I see that the transport request is "Repair".

Do you have experience about installing Enhancement Packages after OTR revision? How do the system react? Does it respect the revision?



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there is a Translation item in menu Goto. Rigth under Review item if you've pressed Display on the initial screen.

Actually, I've just found pretty interesting [Note 579365 - Modification of OTR texts|]

You want to change standard texts provided by SAP.
- without modification
- without overwriting changed texts with standard texts

So, there is a standard way to substitute OTR text. And it's described in above mentioned note using "context".

And I have no experience about installing EhP with translation done in the way discussed above.

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Dear Andrei:

Thanks for your valuable help.

In my system, I don't have Translation item on the Goto Menu. Our SAP_BASIS level is SAPKB70105. I know this is too old. I asked some time ago to upgrade Basis leve, but it is not done yet.

I close the thread



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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I can see following ways to do it but you would have to choose the best that suits your requirement.

1. Change SAP OTR texts. - You ruled this out

2. Once a message is raised by SAP, depending upon the message that is being raised you can display your custom message in place of SAP standard message - This includes an enhancement.

I am not aware if there is any other way to do it. May be other experts can help you.
