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How to auto populate KUT field value from Product to Sales quote

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Hi Experts,

I created one KUT field (Application) in the Product and put one value (Floor).

But when I try to create a quotation with this product Application field value is not populated in the sales quote.

Kindly advice.

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Sakil Ahmed

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Active Contributor

Hi Sakil,

I recreated your scenario - i.e. I created a KUT field 'Application' in the product master. I have not done anything special in the KUT field except for defining it and adding some list values. Then I went to product administration and maintained a value 'floor' for the field.

Now when I add this product to an opportunity, and the application field value automatically populates for me. I do not have sales quotes here. So I've tried this with opportunities. However the behavior should be the same.

If this is not working for you, you should report it to SAP through an incident.


0 Kudos

Hi Julius Pereira,Thank you so much for your reply.As you can see in my 1st screen shot of the product, I have already maintained the value in the Application Field of the product.
My client expects the value that they maintained in the product to be automatically selected in the sales quote.
They don't want to add this Application value manually in the sales quote.Kindly advise how can I achieve this.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sakil,

Have you tried clearing your browser cache and cookies? Probably worth a shot.
