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Function Module "CUAN_CE_INTERACTIONS_POST" is not creating Contact

0 Kudos

Dear All,

Hope you are fine,
We faced with an issue during import Contact Interaction in Hybris.
We want to import the Contact Interaction via "CUAN_CE_INTERACTIONS_POST" function module.

We inserted the ID Origin, Timestamp, Communication Medium and some other info.
This function Module should work like this: If it can not find the Contact information that we inserted (Name, LastName, Email,...) It should create it, but unfortunately in one of our system is not creating!

After launching this FM, I can see the full table in "CUAND_CE_IA_RT"

But if I go and search for related contact (Contact_Key) in CUAND_CE_IC_ROOT I can not see the FirstName, LastName,etc...

Does any one know what we are missing?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


Hi Kunal,

Thanks for your suggestion,
I found the root of issue, we activated the BADI for merging contact interaction and we forgot to fill the data in IC_Root table.

So now the issue is solved,

For ones who may face this issue I will explain below:

There is BADI for merging Contact Interaction in SPRO

Inside this BADI there are some methods:

Our requirement was to do some modifictaion in part of Marging_Contact, so we just wrote our codes in the last Method and all others were empty.

If the BADI is active, the system is not doing the normal round for filling the IC_ROOT... So you should copy the all Implementation from the standard ones and do your modifictaion based on your scenario.


Active Contributor


Best Regards,


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor

Dear Customer,

Please check these 2 notes if relevant to your release and implement:

  • 2531497
  • 2496870

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Kunal,

Thanks for your answer,
Actually the importing proccess is not terminating, is going with successful, but the issue is that: Is not creating the contact in IC_Root completely.. I mean is creating a contact with related Contact_key in "IA_RT" but is completely empty, it has just DB_Key, and Timestamp... Is not containing the Firstname, Last name,city,...

I did a trace (for another Interaction with other name) and you can see below the result:

As you can see when it is going to insert to related Table, Just for "CUAND_CE_IC_ROOT" is not inserting Name, LastName or any other information... It has just "DB_KEY"

I went to related Program "/BOBF/LCL_DAC_UPDATEF01", it is the same as mentioned below... Is not inserting any other information to Contact (IC_ROOT) and I do not know why and how...

Do you have any idea what could be the issue?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Sin,

Please create a medium incident with SAP in component - CEC-MKT-DM-IA and also mention the URL to this question!

Best Regards,
