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C4C Extensisbility - Search for values

0 Kudos

Hello All,

I have a question about search possibilities in C4C.

Lets assume I have created following custom object in SAP Cloud Applications Studio

businessobject myObject {

[AlternativeKey][Label("Account")] element AccountID : BusinessPartnerInternalID;

[Label("Name1")] element Name1 : IntegerValue;

[Label("Name2")] element Name2 : IntegerValue;

node items [0,n]{

[Label("item1")] element Item1 : ProductInternalID;

[Label("item2")] element Item2 : BusinessPartnerInternalID;

association ToItem1 to Material;

association ToItem2 to Customer;


This object will be used as follows: it has a key AccountID, so it will be visible as extra tab for Customers (EC).

Users want to be able to search for account which have certain values in those custom fields...and if possible combine in search criteria fields from custom object and standard fields (like i.e. Name or Title).

Here comes the question:

As a user I would like to search for values from field Name1 and maybe Item2.

As per my understanding I cannot use fields from SDK in standard search for accounts (fields need to be create from UI). Is it correct?

If so: what will be best practice way to enable searching like described.

My ideas:

OPTION 1: OWL - it displays values like table form so I can filter (search). The problem is that per default it displays fields like Name1 and Name2, but not for items. Or can I combine them in one table view (AdvancedListPane) ?

OPTION 2: Report using Data Source. Here I think I can add Name1 & Name2 from my object to DataSource, but not the rest (items).

OPTION3: create new Query and somehow display all what needed in AdancedListPane (like redefine what is in OWL).

Thank you in advance for comments/suggestions.



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