Disclaimer: The information is not up to date.
With SAP Marketing Cloud you are able to import own SAP HANA Views by using the SAP Fiori App “Add Custom View”.
This blog post will tell you steps you need to carry out to build the HANA Calculation Views.
On opening the “Add Custom Views” application, you are informed that HANA views would be migrated to HANA 2.0. Post migration, you can only import views that are modelled using HANA 2.0 Modeller ( SAP Web IDE)
In this blog post, you can see how to build a HANA Calculation view using SAP Web IDE.
Part 3: Building new custom views in SAP Web IDE
The below link has details about setting up the Cloud Foundry Trial Account for using SAP Web IDE.
Cloud Foundry HANA Trial Account Setup for Creating HDI Custom Views in SAP Web IDE
Before you start looking into steps to build new custom views, you need to know the whitelisted items allowed for building custom views.
Standard tables:
- Available in hdbtables folder.
- You can use any table present in this folder.
Standard views:
- Available under src folder.
- You can use views which are marked as whitelisted in the Add Custom Views app.
- In src folder along with whitelisted views, non-whitelisted views, table types, procedures are also present. Which is required for activating white listed views. But you are not allowed to use it in building custom views.
- Before using any standard views in a custom view, verify that it is whitelisted( from Add Custom View application).
CBO tables:
- Available in hdbtables folder.
- You can use any table present in this folder.
Custom views:
- These are the old custom views which are already imported by you to the system.
- It is present in its location under the src folder.
- You can use any of the custom view present.
Below are the steps to build new custom views:
1.Create a folder named custom_views under src as below:
2.Right-click on newly created custom_views folder and choose New > Calculation View
3.Provide information about the custom view and choose Create option.
Note: Data category must always be CUBE.
4. The Custom view will open in graphical designer automatically as below:
On the right-hand side options like create a projection, join, rank, union, etc are available. Use the appropriate option to create a custom view.
5.Optional: For creating, new projection and using table inside:
a. Select the Projection option from the left panel and click on create projection graphical designer.
b. Select + option from graphical designer, A pop-up will appear as shown below:
c. Unselect all options and select only tables.
d. Enter the desired table name in the search bar as shown below. Select the table (make sure that the synonym column is empty) and choose Finish.
The projection will look as shown below:
e. Select the projection.On the right-hand side, additional property settings will appear as below.
f. Select the required fields from available options, or select all and choose Add To Output to propagate fields to the next node.
6.Optional: Creating a new projection and using the view inside.
a. Select the Projection option from left panel and choose Create Projection in graphical designer.
b. Click on + button, a popup will appear as below:
c. Unselect All and select Calculation View option
d. Search for the required view and select it from the list(Make sure that the synonym column is empty for the selected view, and follow the rules specified above for selecting standard views).
e. Select the Projection to see additional settings on the right-hand side. Select the desired fields and choose Add To Output.
7. Optional: Creating a join.
a. Choose join from left panel and click on the graphical designer.
b. Join both projections using the arrow.
c. Select join to open additional properties on the right-hand side. In the Join Definition tab, create a join between attributes and select the join conditions in the join properties panel as shown below:
d. In the Mappings tab, select attributes from both the nodes to Add To Output.
e. Use arrows to join the node to the final aggregation.
f. Select Semantics and mark at least one attribute as a measure.
7.Activating view
Right-click on the view, choose Build > Build Selected Files.
Part 4: Importing new custom views to the marketing system
1. Right-click on the view and choose Open Code Editor.
2. The view will open in the code editor as shown below:
3. Copy the contents and save it as a .xml file in a different location in your system.
Upon successful deployment and build, you can decide to export the view and import into SAP Marketing Cloud. Rename the extension of the file from “.hdbcalculationview” to “.xml” and save.
Note: If you are using custom views in the new custom view created from the local custom_views folder, change the resource URI location of used custom views to the marketing system location.
4. Open Add Custom View application and select the Import View Definition tab.
5. Select the View Usage Type, choose Browse and select the view to upload.
Once SAP Marketing Cloud is on HANA 2.0, you will be able to import this view into SAP Marketing Cloud using the “Add Custom Views” application.
For general problems and solutions, kindly check below blog:
General problems and solutions in SAP Web IDE with respect to HDI views
Enjoy building Custom Views on HANA 2.0!