Dear Community,
We want to proudly present your on the SAP Community Network and welcome you to become members and contributors on this community.
These are some of the ways in which you can engage and communicate with the greater cloud community via this important web presence:
- Write blogs on topics of interest in an around the Cloud for Customer solution portfolio be it covering solution functionality, business benefits for end users, how-to guides, intelligent tips/tricks/shortcuts, or a next generation way to achieving an end result
- Answer questions raised by the external community by leveraging your specific knowhow across development, product management and sales enablement from across the end to end solution portfolio that is Cloud for Customer
- Upload content in the form of documents/video demos/tutorials on topics of interest in an around the Cloud for Customer solution portfolio
- Be recognized as an outstanding community citizen to further the destiny of the Cloud for Customer solution portfolio offering from SAP
- Browse topics and discussions that are part of the extensive solution portfolio over and above the core solution offering from SAP, such as HANA Cloud Integration, Cloud Security, HANA Cloud Partner solutions, HANA Cloud Application Studio, HANA Cloud Platform, HANA Marketplace, Customer Stories, Market and Competitive Intelligence and discussions regarding the same, Cloud Service Offerings that surround the Cloud for Customer solution portfolio and Cloud Product Marketing
- Earn points and peer recognition via SCN gamification and a reputation in the extended community
We hope to see you engage in large numbers on this new platform! You have the power to generate lots of insightful content for the extended community of practitioners who want to Engage Customers like never before and to leverage the Cloud for Customer Solutions powered by the HANA Cloud Platform.
SAP Cloud for Customer Community Moderators
See you on the community…