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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 is providing different functions to tailor the behavior of the applications to your  needs. Especially Determinations, Validations and Autoflows allows you to create rules, based on changes to objects in the system. The build in capabilities are by purpose limited, to have a clear separation between configuration and custom code. If the intended scenario is exceeding the build in functionality, SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 is providing webhook based extensions points for custom code.

In this article we will discuss the general functionality of the webhooks and how to the open architecture is providing you the flexibility to meet your corporate requirements.


In SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2, we distinguish between async and sync wekbhooks. Synchronous webhooks are intercepting the operation, and providing the capability to react or change direct user input. Async webhooks are called after the operations is finished. They allow to trigger processes on changed data. E.g. informing a 3rd party system about an updated data set. It is important to keep in mind, sync webhooks are blocking the execution of a request. That way they are impacting the performance of the system. To avoid a negative impact, we recommend to leverage as much as possible async processing. Scenarios vor sync webhooks could be complex validations on user input or determinations, changing data on the same object, which would otherwise cause blocking write requests.

In this blog post we will focus on sync webhooks. You can find a simple example of an async webhook on github.


Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 13.59.38.png

The architecture is very simple. At the end we need to expose a webservice endpoint on the internet, so it can be called by SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2. We will deploy a simple nodejs service on SAP BTP CloudFoundy Runtime exposing a HTTP Post endpoint on /path.


The Service is written in NodeJS and will expose a POST endpoint on /case. 




const express = require('express')
var app = module.exports = express();

console.log("Start....") '/case', function ( req, res) {
    res = res.status(200);
    res = res.type('application/json');

    let beforeImage = req.body.beforeImage
    let data = req.body.currentImage

    data.extensions = data.extensions || {}
    if (data.serviceTeam &&
        beforeImage.serviceTeam && != {
            delete data.processor
    let body = {
        data: data

if (!module.parent) {
    app.listen( process.env.PORT || 4000)
    console.log('Express started....');




SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 will call this endpoint and send a json structure containing a before and a current image of the object. In the service we compare if the processing team of the case has changed. Only if the team has changed, we will remove the current processor from the case, to make sure a processor of the new team can pick the case. As response, the new "adjusted" object is returned as part of the data attribute in the response json.




    "name": "sync-webhook",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "main": "app.js",
    "scripts": {
        "test": "mocha",
        "start": "node app.js"
    "dependencies": {

        "express": "^4.18.2"
    "devDependencies": {
        "expect.js": "^0.3.1",
        "axios": "^1.7.8",
        "mocha": "^10.8.2",
        "supertest": "^7.0.0"




To speed up the development of extensions I recommend to follow a Test-Driven-Development (TDD) approach. This will allow local development and testing before deploying the changes and testing manual in SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2. On the long run, this approach will also help to keep the quality of the system high.




var request = require('supertest')
  , app = require('../app');
var expect = require('expect.js');

let url;

describe('Test Case Wekhook', () => {
    it('Removes Processor on team change', (done) => {
        var testRequestBody = {"entity":"",...}
        .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
        .then( response => {
    it('Keeps Processor on team change', (done) => {
        var testRequestBody = {"entity":""...}
        .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
        .then( response => {




With the simple test above, I can quickly validate if the service code is behaving in the expected way. I can also include additional scenarios and test them without the need to deploy the service.

Deployment and Operations

The entire service can be simply deployed to SAP BTP CloudFoundry. As the tool itself is very simple the requirements for the App are not very high. Without further testing, it is safe to run the app with 128MB Memory. Independent from the technology, it is recommended, to deploy at least 3 instances of the app. This will ensure one active instance even during an error or cluster event.




- name: sync-webhook
  command: node app.js
  instances: 3
  memory: 128M
  default-route: true
  buildpack: nodejs_buildpack




Please keep in mind, the application is blocking requests to the related object on SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2. This includes, if there is an problem with the app, all users of the tenant are impacted. For this reason it is recommended to include the application in the central monitoring and operations. 

The benefit of the side-by-side approach, it provides you many more feature to control and monitor the behavior of your extensions. This comes especially handy, if you need to understand the performance impact of an extension. In CloudFoundry it is possible to retrieve the access log with a simple cf logs. A first look at the response-time metric will give you an inside, how fast your custom code is responding to requests. A more sophisticated solution with detailed insides would be a Application Performance Management (APM) tool, which can help you to find any bottle neck.

Registering the Webhook 

To enable the Webhook in SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2, we need to create a outbound communication system, which is pointing to the host of our webservice. In our case, we will use the application Domain assigned by CloudFoundry. Please be aware, it is recommended to secure the endpoint. If no personal data is stored in the webhook, a simple protection via Basic Auth will be sufficient. If personal data is involved higher measures might be required.

In the second step, the webhook can be configured at the root object. In our case, we are adding the webhook to the case object. In general the Webhook should be configured as pre-hook. Pre-hooks are executed before the core validations and determinations. That way, we are able to change all fields. In the post hook, since the standard validations are already executed it is only possible to change extension fields.

Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 16.08.25.png

After the webhook is successfully registered, we can test it. For testing open a case, with a team and a processor assigned. As soon as the team is changed, the processor will be removed from the case.


Webhooks are a very power full tool, to include custom code in SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2. The possibilities are close to endless. Beside simple rule based extensions, complex AI/ML scenarios or scenarios with 3rd party tools are possible. Nevertheless, with great power comes great responsibilities. As Sync-Webhooks are executed during a call to the SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 API they have a direct impact on the performance of the system. To ensure a high performance additional measures like caching might be recommended. Due to the open architecture of SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2, it is possible to choose the right architecture, which is not only solving the technical requirements but also fitting to the strategy of the company. Instead of using Node JS and Cloud Foundry it would be possible to use e.g. Kyma and Java or to deploy directly to a hyperscaler. Only requirement is, the endpoint must be available through the internet and listen to HTTP Post requests. That way, the SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 implementation can be tailored to the needs and strength of the company.



0 Kudos

Great Blog !!

0 Kudos

@JoEng Hi Johannes,

Thanks for blog post. Is this feature of enabling the webhook as "Async" already available in customer tenants? I ask this because I don't see any mention of steps to configure/enable the webhook as "Aysnc" in Further, I see that image that you used in your snapshot says "Roadmap". If it is not yet available, then do you know when we can expect this in our tenants?


BTW...Not sure if it is intended, but the video attached to "Registering the Webhook" section is pointing to Mashup related video. I suppose you wanted to show something on how to configure sync vs async endpoints in SAP C4C V2.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @Saurabh_Kabra ,

thanks for the feedback. Webhooks are released and can be used. I adjusted the image and linked the correct video. There you can also find the procedure to setup the webhook.




0 Kudos

Hi @JoEng , Frohes neues Jahr!

I have a follow-up question on the setup of Async vs Sync webhook. Based on the repo code shared, I understand that your nodejs code itself is "Async" and not the "call going out" from C4C V2. Or the other way around, C4C V2 doesn't control if the call to be made is Async or Sync.

It means that, even if I have made the code as async, there will be outbound calls every time the conditions from Autoflow are fulfilled in C4C V2. This means that there will be a network overhead, though processing time in BTP for such async call would be near to zero. It just generates unnecessary internet traffic and some performance burden.

Pls, feel free to correct me, if I am wrong.


0 Kudos

Hi @JoEng ,

Can we use Sync processing on Quick create screen for validation even before the object is created, example: During creation of Account, validate address details from an external system and get the validated address back on QC screen.  

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @RajPriya_05 

Yes for some objects this is possible. IN the Developer Console of your Browser you can see, if "Simmulation Calls" are done to the backend while the Quick View is open. Due to the nature of the objects, they are all behaving slightly different but for many it is possible. 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @Saurabh_Kabra 

Calls from autoflow are Async and not creating a overhead on client side. Indeed if the autoflow condition is matched a call is made and generates traffic on your service side. 


For Sync Webhooks the setup is different. Your are configuring "External Hooks" in the Extensibility Administration. If you have a look in the code on this webpage, it is responding sync. The setup is shown in the video.