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These Release Notes focus on new features and enhancements delivered as part of the Web Client UI Framework EhP3 Support Package 06.

The WEBCUIF development team is doing his best to provide those new developments on older releases. So if you are interested in a specific feature, verify its availability by checking the corresponding SAP Note.

New Features and Enhancements

Default Values for Advanced Search Pages

Advanced Search pages can now be loaded with pre-filled values. This can be done on a user basis or across an entire Business Role.

See SAP Note: 2045936

Assign a Custom Logo to a Business Role

The Business Role customizing has been enhanced in order to provide a way for the customer to assign a custom logo for a given Business Role.

See SAP Notes: 2023680

Mass Tagging from the Search Result List

It is now possible to tag objects based on the selected elements of a search result list (also Embedded Search result lists). In the result lists the items which should be tagged are selected and with a click on the tag icon the tag can be defined and all selected objects will be tagged at once.

When displaying the tagged objects in a mixed list it is now also be possible to have a mass delete tags.

See SAP Note: 2045716

Cancel Running Search

There are many searches in CRM that can last very long if the user enters unsuitable parameters. This leads most times to poor search request durations, long and useless result lists or even to timeouts. Moreover these searches acquire a high amount of system resources that take down the overall system performance.

The Searches in the Web Client UI Framework have now been extended by a “Cancel” button. Upon hitting Cancel, the session of the user will be restarted and the user will land on the Home Page.

See SAP Note: 2044841

Automatic Save on the Frontend

Text entered in "text-areas" and "input-fields" controls will be maintained in front-end local storage as long as the form is in an overview page, regardless of the completion or validation of the entered data. When navigating away from the page by clicking the save or the cancel button, the local storage would get cleared. In case the browser crashes while entering data in a given form, when the user navigate back to the same form the information entered previously will be restored.

See SAP Note: 2046890

Auto-Adjust "dirty" Personalization

After configuration changes have been transported, they should automatically be reflected on users personalizations. So far this was not the case, and this feature enables it.

See SAP Notes: 2045421

Read Access Logging Integration

Data drives your business, and a seamless flow of information across your enterprise can give your business the edge it needs to stay competitive. The more that data flows, however, the more open it is to improper access — and not just from hackers outside of your company, but also from within the organization, whether intentional or inadvertent. To adhere to legal and organizational requirements, as well as industry standards, you need to be able to immediately identify who accessed what, when it was accessed, and where it was accessed; and you need to be able to deal with any potential data security violations.

To address these needs, SAP delivered Read Access Logging (RAL). RAL is a new security functionality that allows customers to log and monitor user access to sensitive or classified data.

See SAP Note: 1995340

If you missed them, check out the WEBCUIF EhP3 SP05 - Release Notes.