These Release Notes focus on new features and enhancements delivered as part of the Web Client UI Framework EhP3 Support Package 02.
The WEBCUIF development team is doing his best to provide those new developments on older releases. So if you are interested in a specific feature, verify its availability by checking the corresponding SAP Note.
New Features and Enhancements
SAP GUI Transactions via the Transaction Launcher
Up to now the Transaction Launcher was only able to make use of SAP GUI for HTML or URLs. With this new development it is now possible to use the Transaction Launcher in order to display BOR and FOP based pure SAP GUI Transactions.
See SAP Note: 1890755
Navigation Through Search Results
In order to enhance the user experience on a Search Page, you can now add "Next" and "Previous" buttons in main toolbar. Those buttons will allow the user to easily navigate from one search result to the next or the previous one. Adding those buttons requires some development, refer to the cookbook attached to the SAP Note.
See SAP Note: 1867097
If you missed them, check out the WEBCUIF EhP3 SP01 - Release Notes.