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Few releases back we introduced a new feature Time Recording in Cloud for Service mainly for field service scenarios. This new feature helps organizations with the following:

  1. Enable managers to keep track of what employees are doing in day-to-day work, which in turn helps them improve productivity, customer satisfaction and reduce cost.

  2. Enable employees being more productive by making it very easy for them to record their time.

Time Recording consists of Time Entries and Time Reports. Time Entries help employees to record and manage the time they spend performing their activities. Employees can create time entries and import the time entries into a time report. A time report is a collection of time entries which can be defined for a date or a date range and can be submitted for approval to one or more approvers. Employees can record time for different time types i.e. work, travel, administration, vacation etc. They can record time for a certain ticket or independent of any ticket. This helps managers keep track of productive time i.e. the time spent on tickets as well as non-productive time i.e. training, vacation etc.

Time Report Approval
Time Reports use standard C4C approval process for time report approval. Approver can see the notification and accept or reject the time reports from the notification itself or can navigate to see the details of the Time Report. There are options of accepting and rejecting a time report from the approval facet of the time report so that approver does not need to go back to notification once he/she reviews the time report details.
Time Report Approval

Auto Time Recording
In order to make it easy for the employees to record time Auto Time Recording has been introduced. Employees can use the Start Recording and Stop Recording button to record their time.Once the recording is started a new time entry is created. When the employee stops the recording the corresponding time entry is updated with the end time and the total duration. Users have the ability to adjust these time entries later.
Auto Time Recording

Billing of Time Entries: Time Item Creation
Once the time is recorded by the employees, it is important for the organizations to be able to bill that time to their customers. In Hybris Cloud for Service Ticket Items are integrated with ERP for billing processes. For billing the time spent on a Ticket, Ticket Items of type "Time" called "Time Items" can be used. After a Time Entry is created, it can be easily converted to a Time Item of a Ticket for billing purposes. Users can click on Create Time Item action on the Time Entries tab and select the Time Item Product (i.e. Product with usage “Time”)  that needs to be billed to the customer.The product for the Time Item can either be selected by the user manually or can be determined automatically by the system based on the rules set up in the Admin settings (described in the next section).

Create Time Item

Auto-Determination of Time Item “Product”
Rules can be set up in the Admin setting for Time Recording for the determination of Time Item product when creating Time Item for a Ticket from the Time Entries. Auto determination of Time Item product enables the users to have the flexibility of determining the Time Item product for a ticket based on different attributes of Time Entries (Time Type) and Ticket ( Service Org, Ticket Type) by the system.

Example: Based on the Service Org of the ticket and Time Type of the Time Entry different products can be assigned as Ticket Time Item when creating Time Item(s) from the Time Entries.

Rules for Time Item Product

These are the basics of Time Recording. So go ahead and use this feature to increase productivity and reduce cost!

Best Regards,