Every marketer knows contact lists can be among the most frustrating — or rewarding — aspects of their work. Missing or obsolete data can be common, depending on the source. Even the data you have may not offer relevant contacts with interest in what you have to say. One message seldom fits all.
Understanding where customers are in their buying cycle will make a profound difference, but initially, you must focus on finding the right contact and online profile information to gather a clearer image of your prospects.
The contact enrichment tools available through SAP Virtual Agency’s
ContactAI service provide a detailed look at prospects — by persona, industry, location and more — allowing you to segment your targets and boost all of your marketing efforts.
This “intelligent” approach enables you to deliver content that’s more relevant to your prospects, which can dramatically improve open and click-through rates, and thus, your overall campaign performance. Another benefit to avoiding the “spray and pray” method – sending the same communication to every contact rather than taking a targeted approach – is that it prevents your IP address from being labeled as spam.
Richer Data, Better Results
By aggregating and analyzing data from multiple sources and gathering any missing information, ContactAI helps to build a more accurate and up-to-date profile of all your contacts. And it’s not just about gathering email addresses or phone numbers. The contact enrichment tool also intelligently segments your data to enable targeted sales and outreach.
When paired with the other benefits of ContactAI (which also validates email addresses to ensure delivery and prioritizes contacts based off their stage in the buying process), contact enrichment can give you a much stronger understanding of the interests, activities and buying patterns of your target audience.
Overall, you’ll reduce the likelihood of negative outcomes, such as spam complaints or
hard bounces, by reaching out to contacts who are likely to be more receptive to your message. And – critically – you’ll boost your brand awareness and prospect engagement!
Want to learn more about contact enrichment? Launch your very next campaign by visiting
SAP Virtual Agency today. A guide on ContactAI can be found in the
Knowledge Center.