The blog post should provide you an introduction on features and functions of Target Groups in
SAP Cloud for Customer.
Target Groups
Target Groups are basically group of Contacts which are contacted during a
Sales Campaign execution.
Ways to create Target Groups
There are five ways to create a Target Groups.
Please refer to the blog post :-
Types of Target Groups
There are two types of Target Groups
- Static Target Groups
- Dynamic Target Groups
Static Target Groups:
´Prior to 1605 of SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer, it is was possible to create only static target groups, which meant that marketing administrator created target groups manually either using excel upload or selecting members in the target groups.Member Determination facet is not there for any Static TG’s
Dynamic Target Groups:
´This feature enables the marketing administrator to define conditions based on which the members are determined automatically in the target groups.
Automatic Member Determination Configuration for Dynamic Target Groups
- Maintenance of conditions.
- Maintain the determination schedule.
- Activate the member determination process.
- Maintain Conditions for Extension fields.
- Maintenance of conditions.
- ´Open a dynamic target group from the target group worklist.
- ´Go to the Member Determination tab.
- ´Currently the automatic member determination is supported only for 3 types of business partners.´Account.´Contact.´Individual Customer.
- ´Maintain the appropriate conditions for each business partner type.

Maintain the determination schedule
- ´Once the conditions are maintained, you have to schedule the member determination process.
- ´The system provides you the option of scheduling immediately or at a particular date and time.
- ´You can also specify a recurrence for the process. This is particularly helpful if you have a large and dynamic customer base.

Activate the member determination process.
- ´Once you have maintained the conditions and the schedule, you can start the member determination process by clicking on the Activate button under the Actions button group.
- ´The activation triggers the member determination process in the background. The progress of this progress is captured in the Execution Status field.
- ´Upon successful activation, the target group status becomes Active and the execution status becomes Scheduled.
- ´Note: The Activate button performs two actions, viz. activating the target group and scheduling the member determination process.
- ´Activation of the target group is a onetime activity. Hence the Activate button remains enabled only when the target group status is In Preparation.
- ´Once the member determination process is completed, the execution status of the target group becomes Finished Successfully.
- ´At any time during the member determination process, if you need to adjust the conditions or the schedule, you can click on the Deactivate Schedule button.
- ´This will stop the determination process and set the execution status to Not Started.
- ´To resume the process, click on the button Activate Schedule.
- ´Please note that the process cannot be stopped if the execution status is Running.
- ´Once the Target Group is Active, you get another option of New Campaign in Action.
Create effective target groups from your existing customer and prospect database leveraging marketing, sales, and service insights.
These created Target groups are used to segment your market and to target the right customers or prospects for each sales campaign.
I hope this helps in understanding the business process of creation and determination of Target Groups in Sales Campaign.
Best Regards,
Dipaankkar Rai