We are happy to announce that the new SAP Marketing Cloud free trial, version 1902 is now live.
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One of the main modifications with the 1902 version is the replacement of tours by interactive tutorials in the
Guided Tour section of the trial center.
The tutorials present a feature or a complete end-to-end process by providing step-by-step information in an interactive manner. Each tutorial helps you to understand and quickly gain a first experience on how to perform the corresponding task. In addition, the
Guided Tour section provides the option to print out each tutorial.
Tutorials are presented in three different sections:
The hottest stuff of 1902
- A Day in the Life of a Marketing Expert - Basic Process:
The core end-to-end-process of the SAP Marketing Cloud solution - from profiling contacts to checking the results of a campaign.
A selection of tutorials presenting specific SAP Marketing Cloud features plus the link to all available tutorials in the learning center.
By the way, you can also access the learning center by clicking the entry
Learning in the Web Assistant carousel:
In the learning center, you can rate the tutorials and give feedback by clicking the letter icon of the required tutorial entry.
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