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This blog post of how to connect any email service provider to SAP Marketing Cloud, consists of 3 chapter:

  1. Email Send Scenario

  2. Example ESP: SAP Digital Interconnect

  3. Get Bounces


This document describes step-by step how to connect an email service provider of choice to SAP Marketing Cloud.

To connect a custom ESP to SAP Marketing Cloud via the newly implemented generic ESP adapter, it is necessary to use a middleware that transforms the standardised HTTP output of SAP Marketing Cloud to the custom ESP's individual API specification. Since SCP is the standard integration tool for SAP Marketing Cloud, is has been used to create an example that illustrates how to setup an integration project to connect the ESP SAP Digital Interconnect.

Within this example, the SCP has been configured to rework HTTP requests from the generic ESP adapter of SAP Marketing Cloud to match the specification of SAP Digital Interconnect's API. At the same time, the SCP processes the response from SAP Digital Interconnect and transforms it to the specific shape required by the generic ESP adapter to perform subsequent logic.



This document describes in detail the SCP Integration Flows for sending emails and retrieving bounces from SAP Digital Interconnect via the generic ESP adapter of SAP Marketing Cloud.



Communication System and Communication Arrangement Scenario ID SAP_COM_0234 Setting up a Generic Email Service Provider is maintained.

Details are available in application help Setting up a Generic Email Service Provider

Open APP Communication Systems and maintain system id, name, Host Name and User to connect to SAP Cloud Platform system:

Open App Communication Arrangements and maintain Scenario ID SAP_COM_0234 Setting up a Generic Email Service Provider.

The path for outbound service could be /http/sapmc_esp/ as it is described in section
Configuration of Inbound- and Outbound connections.

Please consider your onwn path.




Maintain Integration Flow on SCP for Email Send Scenario

The following steps must be done to transforms the standardised HTTP output of SAP Marketing Cloud to the custom ESP's individual API specification:


General Structure of iFlow

In the diagram below, the general structure of a send Mail SCP iFlow is displayed. The iFlow acts as translator between the SAP Marketing Cloud System and the connected Email Service Provider (ESP). The SAP Marketing Cloud System sends a HTTPS POST request to the endpoint /send of the SCP with the parameters as described in Interface Definition - Custom ESP in the Cloud. The iFlow transforms the request in a HTTP POST request with the parameters according to the interface definition of the connected ESP. The chapter Example ESP: SAP Digital Interconnect shows an example transformation for the ESP SAP Digital Interconnect. The response of the ESP is also converted back into the expected format of the SAP Marketing Cloud System (Interface Definition - Custom ESP in the Cloud). For arising errors, the iFlow contains an exception sub process, that parses the error message and sends it to the SAP Marketing Cloud System in the right format, which is also described in the interface definition.

The following sections explain the different transformation steps of the send Mail iFlow in more detail.


Configuration of Inbound- and Outbound connections

The send Mail iFlow is connected to the SAP Marketing Cloud System and to the ESP via the following two connectors.

Defining the SCP endpoint

The iFlow can be connected to the SAP Marketing Cloud System using a control with type Sender. The endpoint URL of a generic iFlow on SCP is defined by:
<SCP Tenant iFlow URL>/<used protocol>/<defined endpoint>

While the <SCP Tenant iFlow URL> is always fixed for a SCP Tenant, the <used protocol> and <defined endpoint> can be configured directly within the iFlow. To perform this configuration, the connector starting from Sender must be double clicked:

In the next window, the Adapter Type can be defined on the right side of the General Tab, while the endpoint settings are made in the Adapter Specific Tab under Request Processing. The configuration for our send mail scenario is shown below:

With this configuration, the complete endpoint URL depending on the used SCP Tenant reads as:
<SCP Tenant iFlow URL>/http/SA_esp/send. After saving and deploying the configuration, a GET request to the specified URL should return with status 200.


 Establishing connection to Email Service Provider

The ESP can be connected to the iFlow using a control with type Receiver. Similarly, as above, the connection settings for outgoing calls from SCP to any endpoint can be defined by double clicking the Receiver node:

Here the connection settings can be maintained in the same way as for inbound connections within the tabs General and Adapter Specific. The general configuration used in our send mail scenario is shown below:



Redefinition of the input parameters

In the following, the different controls are discussed that are needed for the transformation of the SAP Marketing Cloud to the ESP request structure.

Send Mail Start

Control Type: Start Message


This control represents the starting point of the iFlow


Rooter 1

Control Type: Router

Router verifies that only post messages will be processed in this iFlow.

Add root source

Control Type: Content Modifier

Select the control "Add Root Source" and take a look at the properties view. There, the body of the incoming request is encapsualted by a "root"-tag. This is needed because the JSON to XML Converter, which is used later on, requires to have only one root attribute (see Developper's Guide: Managing Integration Content, Chapter

Encode Body

Control Type: Script

Because the JSON to XML converter can also not handle the html tags "<" and ">" as well as the "&", they are encoded in this transformation step. Select the control "Add Root Source" and look at the properties view. There, the script file and script function are defined.

def Message encodeBody(Message message) {

message.setBody(message.getBody().replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;"));

return message;



JSON to XML Converter

Control Type: Converter



We need to convert the json body to xml for the further processing. In the next transformation step, we use a content modifier control, which easily can extract the properties of xml bodies.



Create Properties

Control Type: Content Modifier


This creates the properties that are needed for building the request to the ESP. The properties are defined as XPath variables that link to the properties of the original input request.

Finally it creates the request body for the ESP send mail request. This body highly depends on the send mail interface of the ESP. Chapter Example ESP: SAP Digital Interconnect presents a body for the request to SAP Digital Interconnect. The previously defined properties can be accessed in the body via the syntax ${property.<propertyName>}.

Adjust Send Data

Control Type: Script

def Message adjustSendData(Message message) {
def sendAt = message.getProperty('sendAt');
if(sendAt != ""){
def sendAtDateTime = new Date().parse("yyyyMMddHHmmss", sendAt);
def currentDateTime = new Date();
if(sendAtDateTime <= currentDateTime){
sendAt = '';
message.setProperty('sendAt', sendAt);
def duration = groovy.time.TimeCategory.minus(sendAtDateTime, currentDateTime);
if(duration.days <= 0 && duration.hours < 2){
sendAt = '';
message.setProperty('sendAt', sendAt);
return message;




Control Type: Router

The router decides, whether the email message shall be send to the recipient later with a specific delay. The determining factor is the property sendAt in the request body of the SAP Marketing Cloud System. The conditions can be defined by selecting the conditional arrows starting at the router.

In the properties panel, the condition can be maintained. With the checkbox “Default Router”, the route can be defined as default meaning that it will be passed if the routed cannot be taken.


Create Without Delivery Data

Control Type: Script
<clickEvent>false</clickEvent> <openEvent>false</openEvent>

Default branch, without additional body Information for delivery date/time.

It is necessary always to use converters and not to create the body as json object directly. This is, because the values of the properties are still in an xml format and need to be converted back to a json format before they can be used in a json file.

Process Send Data

Control Type: Script

def Message processSendData(Message message) {
def sendAt = message.getProperty('sendAt');
if(sendAt != ""){
message.setProperty('deliveryUTCDate', sendAt.substring(0,8));
message.setProperty('deliveryUTCHour', sendAt.substring(8,10));
return message;

Use case for specific delivery date like best sending time. Split property 'sendAt' into dedicated properties for date and time.


Set Delivery Data

Control Type: Content Modifier


Create Body with Delivery Date

Control Type: Script

Pass additional message body information for delivery date/time


It is neccesary always to use converters and not to create the body as json object directly. This is, because the values of the properties are still in an xml format and need to be converted back to a json format before they can be used in a json file.



XML to JSON Converter

Control Type: Converter


Set Recipient

Control Type: Script
def processResponseMessage(Message message) {  
def statusCode = message.getHeaders().get("CamelHttpResponseCode").toInteger();
if( statusCode == 200){
message.setHeader("CamelHttpResponseCode", 202);
message.setHeader("CamelHttpResponseText", 'Accepted');
return message;



Control Type: Service Call

This control is responsible for:

1.sending the send mail POST request to the ESP via the defined endpoint as described in section Establishing connection to Email Service Provider and

2.retrieving the answer of the request from the ESP.


JSON to XML Converter

Control Type: Converter


Return Body

Control Type: Content Modifier

Like step Create Body, the content type is set to json and the needed information (the Notification Id), of the received ESP answer is stored in a property and used in the new message body, which will be sent to the SAP Marketing Cloud System later.

SAP Marketing expects, that the messagId is unique, which is send with the answer of ESP.


Set Status

Control Type: Content Modifier


XML to JSON Converter

Control Type: Converter


Send Mail End

Control Type: End Message

This control represents the success end point of the iFlow. The answer of the request will be sent now to the SAP Marketing Cloud System.



The Exception Sub process

Error Start

Control Type: Error Start

Whenever an error occurs (which means errors in the SCP coding, syntactically incorrect requests, etc.), the exception sub process is entered.

Process Error

Control Type: Script

def Message processErrorData(Message message) {  
Map statusCodeCategoryMap = [
500: 'Permanent'
def exception = message.getProperties().get("CamelExceptionCaught");
def exceptionStatusCode;
def statusText;

if(exception != null & exception in org.apache.camel.component.ahc.AhcOperationFailedException & exception.class.metaClass.methods*.name.any{it=='getStatusText'}){
def exceptionStatusText = exception.getStatusText();
def responseBody = exception.getResponseBody();
exceptionStatusCode = exception.getStatusCode();
statusText = responseBody.split('"statusText":')[1].split(',')[0];
exceptionStatusCode = 500;
statusText = '"An internal error occured in the SAP Cloud Platform Integration Flow."' }
message.setHeader("Content-Type", "json");
message.setHeader("CamelHttpResponseCode", exceptionStatusCode);
message.setBody('{ "errorCategory": "' + statusCodeCategoryMap[exceptionStatusCode] + '", "errorText": ' + statusText + ' }');

return message;
}catch (Exception e){
message.setHeader("Content-Type", "json");
message.setHeader("CamelHttpResponseCode", 500);
message.setBody('{ "errorCategory": "Permanent", "errorText": "An internal error occured in the SAP Cloud Platform Integration Flow." }');

return message;

The error body is created in the script directly, because many operations need to be done. First the source of the error message needs to be determined. If the send mail request of the ESP returned with the given error message, then, depending on the ESP interface, the error reason and code can be extracted. The mapping, which is defined in line 9, also depends on the connected ESP and defines, which error codes of the ESP should be mapped to which error codes of the SAP Marketing Cloud System.

In the other cases, the error was thrown in the SCP coding and the error message is transformed to a permanent error.


Error End

Control Type: Message End


The answer is sent as usual request answer and not as exception. This is needed, because the generic adapter interface expects a specific error body and not just an exception as answer.



The Logger Controls

In this section I will give you a short overview about how to add loggers to the iFlow.

Logging in iFlow

Control Type: Script

A logger can be easily added using a script control. Inside, the current message is given as input and the body can be accessed with its method "getBody". A logger message is already provided by the messageLogFactory. The new logger message can than be added with the method "addAttachmentAsString".


Observing Logged Messages in SCP

After the execution of the iFlow, the logged message can be looked up in the SAP Cloud Platform Integration Web-UI.




Postman Collection

Headers: Content-Type: application/json



Next Chapter:

2. Example ESP: SAP Digital Interconnect

3. Get Bounces