- Email content and usage of personalization attributes
- Campaign definition
- Campaign execution
2. Campaign definition
The following campaign automation model will be defined and used for explanation in subsequent chapters.
Following combinations of email contents EM1 – EM2_1 are supported:
- emails have no personalization attributes
- emails have personalization attributes of interaction contact
- emails have personalization attributes coming from segmentation object SO1
- emails have a combination of attributes from interaction contact and segmentation object SO1
Segmentation object SO1 can use business object Interaction Contact for definition of keys. Or it can use business object Interaction for the key definition.
Campaign is permanently listening
The campaign has no start date and time for scheduling the execution. Immediately after the campaign has been started it is listening on the triggering interaction (= the one defined as start trigger). More details are described in chapter
Campaign execution.
It is listening until it is paused (by pushing the button “Pause”) or stopped (by pushing the button “Stop”).
You should set the end date of the trigger based campaign accordingly your requirements. As long as the campaign is listening triggering interactions are processed and assigned actions are executed.
During the execution of the action the end date of the campaign is checked. If end date is in the past the execution of the action fails with an error.
Start actions
In opposite to target group based campaigns you can defined also for actions of the start trigger when the action shall be executed. All options as for follow-up actions are available: “Any Day”, “Specific Days” and “Specific Date and Time”.
Follow-up actions
For follow-up actions you can define when the action shall be executed:
Any Day (default setting)
This is the default setting. The action will be executed on any week day immediately after the trigger has occurred.
Optionally you can define a delay of days.
- If the action is assigned to the “Yes” branch of the trigger you can define the number of days the action shall wait until it is executed. One day means exactly 24 hours. In addition you can set a time when the action shall be executed. Both options are independent, this means you can define a time but set days of delay to zero.
- If the action is assigned to the “No” branch of the trigger you can set a time when the action shall be executed. The delay of days is not available because in the “No” branch you have defined already a waiting period in days. Also here 1 day means exactly 24 hours.
Specific Days
You can select one or more weekdays. In addition you can define a particular time.
The action will be executed on the selected weekday only.
Action “Send Email” for trigger “Click Through” shall be executed only on Saturday and Sunday at 09:00. If an email recipient has clicked on Monday and another recipient on Thursday, both will get the next email on Saturday. If a third email recipient has clicked on Saturday at 15:45, this recipient will get the next email on Sunday 09:00.
Specific Date and Time
You define a particular day and time.
Detailed examples are described in the execution chapter.
Previous chapter
Email content and usage of personalization attributes
Next chapter
Campaign execution