Surveys are meant to capture up to date market relevant data. In the ever changing market dynamics the flexibility in designing a survey plays an important role in getting the right information in a timely manner. The ability to quickly tweak and change an existing survey to cater to the field needs allows a customer to reuse an existing survey. It also provides an added advantage of seamlessly including the changes in the existing survey reports.
Survey versioning provides the flexibility to the admin user to quickly make modifications to an existing survey and then helps the admin user to quickly roll out the modified survey to the field executives
A new version of a survey instance can be created now without affecting the previous version. All the surveys that are in the open status would be updated with the new version.
Creating a new survey version
Actions Create new version to create a new version for your survey. You can then edit your new survey version without changing the previous version. All previous versions of the survey and data collected from them remains in your system. The following changes can be made in the new version
- Add questions
- Remove questions
- Add question answer options
- Remove question answer options
- Modify descriptions
- Modify score values
The existing survey version remains active when you create a new version. The new version has the status in preparation until you activate it. Once you've made your changes, choose
Actions Activate to activate your new version. The previous version is set to inactive automatically. Only one version of a survey can be active at a time. If you have a survey assigned to visits in your system and then activate a new version of the survey, the system updates the survey to the latest version for all surveys that are not completed or saved as draft. If the survey has been completed or saved as a draft, the previous version of the survey remains in the visit.
You could see the versions of the survey by making this field available through personalization (KUT)
When you create a report that includes data from a survey with multiple versions, data from all versions of the survey is collected, hence you get a unified report across all the versions.
Example - If you create a report for a survey based on survey results within visits, and the survey has multiple versions with different questions in each version, the report shows the data for the questions that were answered for each question applicable to each visit. So let's say survey version 1 was completed in visit A and visit B and survey version 2 was created with two additional questions and completed in visit C. Survey version 2 is now active and survey version 1 is inactive. The report displays the data for survey version 1 for visit A and visit B, omitting data for the two questions added in survey version 2. The data from survey version 2 including the two additional questions is displayed for visit C.
Things to Note
- New versions can be created for active survey only
- Once a version is deactivated it cannot be activated, it can only be copied to create a new survey.
- If you modify text fields such as question text, answer text, or descriptions, these changes are applied in all versions of a survey including previous versions that have been completed. If you are adding or removing items or adjusting score values, the changes are shown only in the corresponding version.