Have you already heard about new improvements delivered for SAP Customer Relationship Management based on customer ideas and improvement requests from our Customer Connection project CRM 2017?
Here are some product highlights just to give you a glance:
New “Saved Searches Tray” on Home Page
A new tray for saved searches is available for the CRM Home Page. It uses the existing concept of categories to better structure the saved searches. Additionally, users can see the object type of the search and the number of results. Drag & drop of saved searches from one category to another is also possible. For further information see note:
Type-ahead categorization search
With this improvement, an additional search capability for the multi-level categorization is provided. By starting to type the categorizations containing the entered letters show up (type-ahead feature). For further information see note:
These are only two of the newly delivered improvements in SAP CRM that help to improve user efficiency. For a complete list of all new features check
Innovation Discovery or
Improvement Finder (apply filter “CRM 2017” under “Influence Project”).