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Hello Everyone,

This blog post informs you about usage of SAP Customer Checkout together with SAP JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Recently we got some questions in our SAP Community page with regards to usage of  Oracle Java SE 8 together with SAP Customer Checkout.
The possible cause of these questions are some potential changes in the licensing policy of Java. General answers to the usage of Java in SAP products can be here (SAP Note 2700275)

In this blog I talk about SAP Customer Checkout. Java is a pre-requite for running SAP Customer Checkout. And we support for the releases which are currently in Service Market Place(Release SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 FP05, 2.0 FP06 and 2.0 FP07) both SAP JVM 8.1 and Java SE 8 (Oracle).

So partners and customers can download SAP JVM 8.1 from service market place and use it. There are no additional costs with regards to using SAP JVM together with SAP Customer Checkout.  Below i also share with you the steps i followed to download SAP JVM 8.1 from Service Market Place(SMP) and use it successfully together with SAP Customer Checkout.

And if Partners and Customers wants to use Java SE 8 (Oracle), then they need to check which version of Java they are using and the terms and conditions of the software usage accordingly to the provider. Of-course i cannot comment on those terms and conditions.

SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 FP07 together with SAP JVM 8.1

For SAP JVM 8.1 both 32 bit and 64 bit versions for various platforms are available. The steps remains the same. However below i explain the steps that i performed with SAP JVM 8.1 for Windows on X64 64 bit.

I downloaded the latest Patch Level of SAP JVM 8.1 for "Windows on X64 64 bit" for Service Market Place. Screenshot below.


The resultant download was a SAPJVM8_55-80000211.SAR file.

One of the softwares i know that can be used to extract .SAR files is SAPCAR. So the next step for me was to download the latest version of SAPCAR from Service Market Place. Screenshot below.

The resultant download was a SAPCAR_721-20010453.EXE file.

Now i wanted to extract SAPJVM8_55-80000211.SAR using SAPCAR_721-20010453.EXE

Hence i copied both the files in a common folder. In command prompt, i nagivated to that folder and executed the below statements to extract the files. Ofcourse you need to change the names of the files based on how your files are called. Also basic statements for SAP CAR you can easily find online.
SAPCAR_721-20010453 -xvf SAPJVM8_55-80000211.SAR

As a result, along with other folders, an extracted folder with the name sapjvm_8 was created.


Since i downloaded SAP JVM for Windows on 64bit, I copied this extracted sapjvm_8 folder in my program files and also created a environment variable "CCO_JAVA_HOME" so that i am sure that
SAP Customer Checkout will use exactly this version of Java(sapjvm_8) and not any other Java versions which i might have installed for other purposes. The below screenshots helps you explain these steps. 1st the copying of the sapjvm_8 to program files and next setting the environment variable.



After this i am all ready to use SAP Customer Checkout together with SAP JVM. Just follow our normal installation steps. After installation of SAP Customer Checkout it is very easy to verify that the intended version of Java is used by SAP Customer Checkout. The below screenshot shows you how to verify this information in SAP Customer Checkout.


Incase you are running SAP Customer Checkout with standard SAP SE 8 and want to now switch to SAP JVM. You do not need to change anything in SAP Customer Checkout. You need to follow the same steps, and your environment variable "CCO_JAVA_HOME" should point to SAP JVM. After that when you re-start (not logout but re-start) SAP Customer Checkout then it uses SAP JVM.

Now lets talk about SAP Customer Checkout manager

The same information is also completely valid for SAP Customer Checkout manager as well.
I explain below the steps that i performed and also solution for an issue that i faced. My assumption is that you might face the same problem.

One pre-requisite for SAP Customer Checkout manager is a web-server and we support tomcat.
So while installing the right version of tomcat, i selected the SAP JVM and finished the installation procedure. Screenshot below.

After installation, the tomcat service for me did not start. Hence i had to go to tomcat installation folder and start the Tomcat8_SAPJVMw.exe, select sub-tab "Java" and remove from the "Java 9 Options:" the options provided and make the whole field blank. Then "Apply" and "OK".

After this change, the tomcat service started successfully again and the rest of the installation procedure can continue as described in our documentation.

After installation/deploying of SAP Customer Checkout manager it is very easy to verify that the intended version of Java is used by SAP Customer Checkout manager. The below screenshot shows you how to verify this information in SAP Customer Checkout manager.

Incase you are running SAP Customer Checkout manager with standard SAP SE 8 and want to now switch to SAP JVM. You do not need to change anything in SAP Customer Checkout manager. You need to follow the same steps, and for tomcat properties, tab Java in the field Java Virtual Machine, set the right version of Java and remove the Java 9 Options as high-lighted in the previous screenshot.  After that when you re-start your tomcat service, it uses SAP JVM.


Trouble shooting:

  1. When trying to run SAP Customer Checkout with the Java provided by SAP (SAP JVM) you may encounter an issue that Customer Checkout aborts the startup process.

The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package is lower than version 2013.

SAP JVM 8 starting from 8.1.042 requires the installation of the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package" - or higher - which can be obtained from the Microsoft website. See note 1367498.


This is all that i wanted to share with you.

In this blog, you have learnt that SAP Customer Checkout also supports SAP JVM. Also a detailed step by step instructions was provided regarding how to use SAP Customer Checkout together with SAP JVM.

Hope you enjoyed the blog. Best of luck with your SAP Customer Checkout journey.

Feel free to comment and give feedback about the blog.

About me: 
My name is Bikash Bansal. I work for SAP SE, Germany. My current role is of Product Owner for SAP Customer Checkout.
You can find more blogs from me about SAP Customer Checkout here .