On behalf of the CRM & CX Product Learning CoE team, I am pleased to announce the release of SAP Commerce Cloud Product Support Specialist 2105 Certification.
SAP Commerce Cloud Product Support Specialist Certification (E_C4HYCP_12)
Target Audience
- Software Developers
- Software Architects
- Technology Consultants
- Technical Consultants
The "SAP Certified Product Support Specialist - SAP Commerce" certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the required level of knowledge to work effectively as an SAP Commerce Cloud Product Support Specialist. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and in‐depth technical skills to perform in an SAP Commerce Cloud product support role. The prerequisite for this exam certification is P_C4H340_12 (SAP Certified Development Professional - SAP Commerce Cloud 2105 Developer). The certificate issued for passing this exam will be valid for 5 years. All the enablement for this exam is being provided by the product documentation and support documentation for SAP Commerce Cloud located at: help.sap.com. In order to access the sites above, you must be an SAP customer or partner.
Access Links
The SAP Commerce Cloud Product Support Specialist 2105 Certification has been added to SAP Commerce Cloud
Developer &
Consultant Learning Journeys.
Additional Updates – Enablement Videos
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CX Learning Room (you need to have an account).
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