files, defines the data model, translated into a database schema during the initialization or update of the platform. This translation is performed by the DdlUtils library from the Apache DB project: it generates the DDL statements required for creating or updating the database schema associated to a data model. While the library design allows supporting virtually any database software or version (see o.a.d.Platform
and o.a.d.p.SqlBuilder
), the implementation uses ANSI SQL to support a maximum of database software versions. Consequently, advanced options or capabilities available for only particular database software versions are often not supported by the library. For instance, ANSI SQL only allows adding one field to a table per statement while MySQL allows adding multiple fields to a table within one statement. The MySQL support in the DdlUtils library (see o.a.d.p.m.MySqlBuilder
class) uses ANSI SQL instead of the MySQL specific SQL, generating one statement per field to add instead of one statement per table to modify. Note also that the library project is retired and not further maintained. Consequently, any functionality added recently by database vendors will very likely not be supported by the library.updatesystem
uses a custom Ant task for the dry-run and type system only update options (see d.h.a.t.i.TypeSystemUpdaterTask
) and a macro-based task otherwise.ALTER TABLE ADD
statements for each new field. The database used with SAP Commerce was MySQL 5.6, which handles by default the addition of new field to a table as following: it creates a new table based on the old table definition, add the new field, copies then all the records from the old table into the new table and finally remove the old table. The copy of all records can take a significant amount of time, especially for large tables. Moreover, the DdlUtils library generates one statement per new field. In my situation, multiple times, several fields were added to the same itemtype, causing at the end MySQL to copy over and over the same large tables.ALTER TABLE stocklevels ADD p_sapwarehouseid VARCHAR(255);
ALTER TABLE stocklevels ADD p_sapwarehousename VARCHAR(255);
ALTER TABLE stocklevels
ADD p_sapwarehouseid VARCHAR(255),
p_sapwarehousename VARCHAR(255);
instead of the COPY
algorithm when adding a new field:ALTER TABLE stocklevels
ADD p_sapwarehouseid VARCHAR(255),
p_sapwarehousename VARCHAR(255),
algorithm cannot always be used. Fortunately, in our situation, it was possible to use for all new fields.SqlBuilder
implementation supporting the SAP Commerce database to generate the desired optimized DDL statementsSqlBuilder
via custom Platform
and HybrisPlatformFactory
is invoked from hAC as well as Ant.SqlBuilder
class, it is preferable to extend the default implementation used by SAP Commerce for your database. The class d.h.b.d.HybrisPlatformFactory
implements in the method createInstance
the logic mapping SqlBuilder
implementations to databases. Actually, it maps Platform
implementations to databases but by navigating into the build
method of the Platform
implementation, you can easily find which SqlBuilder
implementation is used.HybrisMySqlBuilder
class as following:public class MyHybrisMySqlBuilder extends HybrisMySqlBuilder {
private final DatabaseSettings databaseSettings;
public MyHybrisMySqlBuilder(final Platform platform, final DatabaseSettings databaseSettings) {
super(platform, databaseSettings);
this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
public void processTableStructureChanges(final Database currentModel, final Database desiredModel, final Table sourceTable, final Table targetTable, final Map parameters, final List changes) throws IOException {
final Iterator changesIterator = changes.iterator();
final List addColumnChanges = new ArrayList<>(changes.size());
while (changesIterator.hasNext()) {
final Object change = changesIterator.next();
if (change instanceof AddColumnChange) {
addColumnChanges.add((AddColumnChange) change);
if (!addColumnChanges.isEmpty()) {
final Map<Table, List> addColumnChangesByTables =
for (final Map.Entry<Table, List> entry : addColumnChangesByTables.entrySet()) {
processAddColumnChanges(currentModel, desiredModel, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
super.processTableStructureChanges(currentModel, desiredModel, sourceTable, targetTable, parameters, changes);
protected void processAddColumnChanges(final Database currentModel, final Database desiredModel, final Table changedTable, final List changes) throws IOException {
this.print("ALTER TABLE ");
boolean isFirstAddColumnChange = true;
for (final AddColumnChange change : changes) {
if (isFirstAddColumnChange) {
isFirstAddColumnChange = false;
} else {
this.print(", ");
this.print("ADD COLUMN ");
this.writeColumn(change.getChangedTable(), change.getNewColumn());
if (change.getPreviousColumn() != null) {
this.print(" AFTER ");
} else {
this.print(" FIRST");
change.apply(currentModel, this.getPlatform().isDelimitedIdentifierModeOn());
final Optional algorithm = determineAlgorithmForAddColumnChanges(currentModel, desiredModel, changedTable, changes);
if (algorithm != null) {
this.print(", ALGORITHM=" + algorithm.get());
final Optional lock = determineLockForAddColumnChanges(currentModel, desiredModel, changedTable, changes);
if (lock != null) {
this.print(", LOCK=" + lock.get());
protected Optional determineAlgorithmForAddColumnChanges(final Database currentModel, final Database desiredModel, final Table table, final List changes) {
final List keys = Arrays.asList(
String.format("mysql.dt.ddl.alterTable.%s.addColumn.algorithm", getTableName(table)),
String.format("mysql.dt.ddl.alterTable.%s.algorithm", getTableName(table)),
for (final String key: keys) {
final String algorithm = getDatabaseSettings().getProperty(key);
if (algorithm != null) {
return Optional.of(algorithm.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
return Optional.empty();
protected Optional determineLockForAddColumnChanges(final Database currentModel, final Database desiredModel, final Table table, final List changes) {
final List keys = Arrays.asList(
String.format("mysql.dt.ddl.alterTable.%s.addColumn.lock", getTableName(table)),
String.format("mysql.dt.ddl.alterTable.%s.lock", getTableName(table)),
for (final String key: keys) {
final String lock = getDatabaseSettings().getProperty(key);
if (lock != null) {
return Optional.of(lock.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
return Optional.empty();
protected DatabaseSettings getDatabaseSettings() {
return databaseSettings;
and LOCK
options can be configured via properties to give more flexibility. By default, both options are not configured and won't appear in the DDL statements. In our case, the following properties were added to the local.properties
to make use of them:mysql.dt.ddl.alterTable.lock=NONE
and/or LOCK=NONE
are not always possible. Check therefore your changes and your database configuration allow it before using the properties.SqlBuilder
is exposed through the Platform
instance (see getSqlBuilder()
method), which is instantiated by the the factory HybrisPlatformFactory
(see createInstance
method). The factory calls the static method build()
from the Platform
implementation class to get a new Platform
instance. Ideally, it should be possible with AspectJ to intercept calls to the build()
method and inject the custom SqlBuilder
in the new Platform
instance. Unfortunately, it is not that simple since the setSqlBuilder()
method is protected. Moreover, as detailed later, it will be needed to get a Platform
instance setup with the custom SqlBuilder
without using AspectJ. The chosen approach is consequently to:Platform
implementation for the SAP Commerce database to inject the custom SqlBuilder
to return the custom Platform
, check the implementation of the createInstance()
method in the HybrisPlatformFactory
class to find the default implementation used by SAP Commerce for the database. For MySQL 5.6, it is the HybrisMySqlPlatform
. Unfortunately, the class has a private constructor and doesn't allow to be extended, which forces to copy & paste its code to extend it. Notice that the implementations for other databases do not have this limitation and it might be therefore easier than for MySQL.public class MyHybrisMySqlPlatform extends MySql50Platform implements HybrisPlatform {
private static final String MYSQL_ALLOW_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS = "mysql.allow.fractional.seconds";
private final boolean isFractionalSecondsSupportEnabled;
protected MyHybrisMySqlPlatform(boolean isFractionalSecondsSupportEnabled) {
this.isFractionalSecondsSupportEnabled = isFractionalSecondsSupportEnabled;
public static HybrisPlatform build(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings) {
boolean allowFractionaSeconds = Boolean.parseBoolean(databaseSettings.getProperty("mysql.allow.fractional.seconds", Boolean.TRUE.toString()));
MyHybrisMySqlPlatform instance = new MyHybrisMySqlPlatform(allowFractionaSeconds);
instance.setSqlBuilder(new DTHybrisMySqlBuilder(instance, databaseSettings));
MySql50ModelReader reader = new MySql50ModelReader(instance);
reader.setDefaultTablePattern(databaseSettings.getTablePrefix() + '%');
return instance;
private void provideCustomMapping() {
PlatformInfo platformInfo = this.getPlatformInfo();
platformInfo.addNativeTypeMapping(-1, "TEXT");
platformInfo.addNativeTypeMapping(12002, "BIGINT", -5);
platformInfo.addNativeTypeMapping(12000, "TEXT", -1);
platformInfo.addNativeTypeMapping(12003, "LONGTEXT", -1);
platformInfo.addNativeTypeMapping(12001, "TEXT", -1);
platformInfo.addNativeTypeMapping(12, "VARCHAR", 12);
platformInfo.setDefaultSize(12, 255);
platformInfo.addNativeTypeMapping(6, "FLOAT{0}");
platformInfo.setHasPrecisionAndScale(6, true);
if (this.isFractionalSecondsSupportEnabled) {
platformInfo.setHasSize(93, true);
platformInfo.setDefaultSize(93, 6);
public String getColumnName(Column column) {
return ((HybrisMySqlBuilder)this.getSqlBuilder()).getColumnName(column);
public String getTableName(Table table) {
return this.getSqlBuilder().getTableName(table);
class present in the SAP Commerce 1808 release. I would highly recommend not to copy & paste this code but rather starts from the code of your release and adapt the line(s) setting the SqlBuilder
to expose the custom Platform
, which exposes the custom SqlBuilder
with the optimizations for the DDL statements.public class MyHybrisPlatformFactory {
private volatile static Platform platform;
static {
PlatformFactory.registerPlatform("MySQL5", MyHybrisMySqlPlatform.class);
PlatformFactory.registerPlatform("MySQL", MyHybrisMySqlPlatform.class);
public static Platform createInstance(final DatabaseSettings databaseSettings, final DataSource dataSource) throws DdlUtilsException {
final Platform platform = createInstance(databaseSettings);
return platform;
public static Platform createInstance(final DatabaseSettings databaseSettings) throws DdlUtilsException {
if (Boolean.valueOf(databaseSettings.getProperty("mysql.dt.ddl.enabled", Boolean.FALSE.toString()))
&& databaseSettings.getDataBaseProvider() == DataBaseProvider.MYSQL) {
return (platform = MyHybrisMySqlPlatform.build(databaseSettings));
} else {
return HybrisPlatformFactory.createInstance(databaseSettings);
public static synchronized Platform getInstance() {
if (platform == null) {
return HybrisPlatformFactory.getInstance();
} else {
return platform;
are accessed through different channels, using different technologies. hAC is based on the SAP Commerce platform while the Ant target updatesystem
uses Ant task and Ant macros.HybrisPlatformFactory
class as well as other custom classes have to be in the classpath of the SAP Commerce platform as well as in the Ant classpath in order to be invoked. Consequently, it is not possible to store these custom classes within the source folder of an extension as Ant could not access them. Therefore, it shall rather be packaged in a JAR and placed in the lib
folder of an extension, which will automatically be part of the SAP Commerce platform classpath and can be referenced in Ant.pom.xml
of my Maven project used for building this JAR library.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
is more or less hard-coded and AspectJ is consequently the easiest way to adapt SAP Commerce, so that it uses the custom factory. The following aspect intercepts the calls made to the createInstance()
method from the standard HybrisPlatformFactory
and invokes the same method from the custom factory instead.@Aspect
public class MyHybrisPlatformFactoryAspect {
@Pointcut("execution(static * de.hybris.bootstrap.ddl.HybrisPlatformFactory.createInstance(de.hybris.bootstrap.ddl.DatabaseSettings))")
public void createInstance() {}
@Pointcut("execution(static * de.hybris.bootstrap.ddl.HybrisPlatformFactory.getInstance())")
public void getInstance() {}
public Object aroundCreateInstance(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
final DatabaseSettings databaseSettings = (DatabaseSettings) pjp.getArgs()[0];
return MyHybrisPlatformFactory.createInstance(databaseSettings);
public Object aroundGetInstance(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
return MyHybrisPlatformFactory.getInstance();
file.<!DOCTYPE aspectj PUBLIC "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" "http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/dtd/aspectj.dtd">
<include within="de.hybris.bootstrap.ddl.HybrisPlatformFactory"/>
<include within="MyHybrisPlatformFactoryAspect"/>
<aspect name="MyHybrisPlatformFactoryAspect"/>
folder of an extension to enable the AspectJ support in SAP Commerce.updatesystem
can be found in the platform/build.xml
file. It uses the macro updateTypeSystem
on one side for the dry-run and type system only update options and the macro updatesystem
on the other side for the full system update option.updatesystem
macro is defined in platformadministration.xml
and uses the yrun
macro to trigger the system update. The yrun
macro starts a JVM to run code and accepts additional JVM arguments as well as additional classpath entries. It is consequently possible to activate AspectJ, add the JAR containing thet customizations to the classpath and reuse the aspect implemented for hAC adaptations to get the custom factory HybrisPlatformFactory
invoked.<yrun additionalclasspath="${ext.myext.path}/lib/mylib.jar"
jvmargs="-javaagent:${ext.core.path}/lib/${aspect.weaver.library} ${aspect.weaver.config}">
macro from platformadministration.xml
and paste it in the buildcallbacks.xml
of an extension. Then rename the macro definition (e.g. myupdatesystem
) and adapt the yrun
macro calls as shown above.updateTypeSystem
macro is defined in platformadministration.xml
file and is based on the Ant task d.h.a.t.i.TypeSystemUpdaterTask
. Since the Ant task is called immediately by Ant and Ant does not embed AspectJ, it is not possible this time to reuse the aspect. The solution is consequently to customize the standard TypeSystemUpdaterTask
class as well as the intermediate class HybrisSchemaGenerator
to call the custom HybrisPlatformFactory
class calling the custom factory HybrisPlatformFactory
.public class MyHybrisSchemaGenerator extends HybrisSchemaGenerator {
private final DataSourceCreator dataSourceCreator;
public MyHybrisSchemaGenerator(PlatformConfig platformConfig, PropertiesLoader propertiesLoader, DataSourceCreator dataSourceCreator, boolean dryRun) throws Exception {
super(platformConfig, propertiesLoader, dataSourceCreator, dryRun);
this.dataSourceCreator = dataSourceCreator;
public MyHybrisSchemaGenerator(PlatformConfig platformConfig, PropertiesLoader propertiesLoader, DataSourceCreator dataSourceCreator, DbTypeSystemProvider dbTypeSystemProvider, OverridenItemsXml overridenItemsXml, boolean dryRun) throws Exception {
super(platformConfig, propertiesLoader, dataSourceCreator, dbTypeSystemProvider, overridenItemsXml, dryRun);
this.dataSourceCreator = dataSourceCreator;
protected Platform createDDLUtilsPlatform() {
return MyHybrisPlatformFactory.createInstance(this.getDatabaseSettings());
protected Platform createConnectedDDLUtilsPlatform() {
return MyHybrisPlatformFactory.createInstance(this.getDatabaseSettings(), this.dataSourceCreator.createDataSource(this.getDatabaseSettings()));
class calling the customized HybrisSchemaGenerator
class.public class MyTypeSystemUpdaterTask extends TypeSystemUpdaterTask {
public void execute() throws BuildException {
try {
final HybrisSchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = this.getSchemaGenerator();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
protected String getPlatformHome() {
return this.getProject().getProperty("platformhome");
protected HybrisSchemaGenerator getSchemaGenerator() throws Exception {
final PlatformConfig platformConfig = PlatformConfig.getInstance(ConfigUtil.getSystemConfig(this.getPlatformHome()));
final PropertiesLoader propertiesLoader = new StandalonePropertiesLoader(platformConfig, this.getTenantId());
final DataSourceCreator dataSourceCreator = new DBCPDataSourceCreator();
final HybrisSchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = new MyHybrisSchemaGenerator(platformConfig, propertiesLoader, dataSourceCreator, this.isDryRun());
return schemaGenerator;
needs to be customized to first invoke the customized TypeSystemUpdaterTask
class and second include the JAR in the classpath. I recommend copying the original updateTypeSystem
macro definition from platformadministration.xml
into the buildcallbacks.xml
of an extension and adapt the task definition as following.<macrodef name="updateTypeSystem" ...>
<taskdef name="yMyTypeSystemUpdate" classname="MyTypeSystemUpdaterTask">
<pathelement path="${ext.myext.path}/lib/mylib.jar"/>
needs to be adapted to call the new macros or a new Ant target shall be introduced. I recommend introducing a new Ant target by copying the definition of the original one in order to keep the standard Ant target.You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
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