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We didn't wait long! The new Customer Connection Project to improve and enhance the existing solution for the Utilities Industry in Business Suite is rolling. Once again you have the opportunity to bring in your ideas that will improve the IS-U as part of SAP ERP, SAP CRM for Utilities and SAP Multichannel Foundation (MCF). It's all about increasing the value of the software you're currently using on premise.

How does it work?

If you are interested in participating in this project please have a look at the influence page for the project SAP for Utilities On Premise 2020 - all you need is a valid S-User. Here you'll find the Improvement Requests that have already been submitted by other customers and partners; you can vote for ideas that you would deem worth developing; you can leave comments and discuss; and you should submit your own ideas as improvement requests! Please have a look at the slides from the kick-off-webinar and/or listen to the recording of the meetings in this blog (available in English and German).

What is in it for you?

Looking back at the previous projects you'll see that during the last years SAP delivered more than 100 improvements dedicated to the Utilities Industry via the Customer Connection program. All results are visible in SAP's Improvement-Finder - just search for "Utilities" and you'll get an overview on the delivered features. You may now contribute to have this list expanded in your interest.

But be aware: the influence page for this project is open for your participation until May 1st 2020, only! So, please don't hesitate and bring in your ideas. In case of questions I would be more than happy to answer them.
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