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      Unit of Measure Mapping


When maintaining code list mapping for the units of measure, it is necessary to map the UM in C4C to the ISO Code of the UM in ECC (Table T006).

Even if it is a best practice to maintain ISO codes for all SAP Unit of measure codes, sometimes, customer don´t have ISO codes assigned to their Custom UM, or have a different one that doesn´t match the UM ID.

The problem

The communication between C4S and ECC is using ISO Codes, not the unit of measure code. This means that in ECC  we try to convert the ISO code by
doing a lookup in table t006 with the MEINS Value i. e “MPC” .

Now, in the ISO column in T006 we have  “EA”, which is not mapped in C4C so the lookup fails.

Example of the Quote replication
idoc in error:


If no ISO code is maintained the IDoc field MEINS should contain the SAP code which is mapped in the Code List

In the example of the first screenshot above, if we send MEINS “MPG”, which doesn’t have any ISO code
assigned, then MPG must be mapped to MPG in C4C.

In the example of “MPC” that has ISO “EA” either you need to pass EA from C4C (maintaining it in the mapping)  or change the T006 entry in ECC.

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Hi Natalia,

I am facing Quanity type code errors while replicating material.

I get the error:- Error reported by application: Solve Configuration Issue in Code List Mapping for field QuantityTypeCode with value BE

But, when i map BE in the Quanity Type code and retry to replicate, i get the error:- Errors reported by application: "Quantity type PRESSURE not valid; it is not summable", "Error while processing inbound third party communication" I dont understand why this error appears. I removed 'Pressure' from quanity type code mapping, still i get this error. Could you help us solve this?



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Hi Natalia,

I am requesting price from ERP, but there is an error with unit measure

Unit C/U is not expected for item 10 in C4C, dont know where I have to maintain this unit as we are not using it.

Appreciate your help.


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Hi Ricardo,

When you request price to ECC you are simulating a sales order there... and i remember getting this one as a very common error , in my SD days but i can't remember now what caused it.. Can you ask any ECC SD Consultant when this error occurs in a Sales Order? i think the configuration that is missing is in ECC not in C4C.

Please let me know if you find the cause,



Former Member
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Hi Natalia, good day.

I already added to table T006 ISOCODE UN and solved that error.

But now we faced next error (english/spanish), but now the error is inside c4c not from ERP.


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Hi natalia.goyenechea

Currently im facing one issue related to this UoM and its related ISO Code. In ERP,Two UoM measures are having same ISO code so system is asking us to select the default inbound while doing the code list mapping. As we are having two different UoM in ERP and C4C,kindly suggest on how to handle this issues. Any workaround

Thanks in advance





0 Kudos
Hello Logan,

have you resolved your issue with the UoM having the same ISOCode?

Best regards

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Hi Thorsten,

Yes. We went with an ERP enhancement option where we have included some custom logic where for first UoM,its ISO code will be pushed and for the second UoM,instead of its ISO,its UoM code will be pushed to C4C.

Need to maintain the code list accordingly.

