The Loyalty update for Nov 2022 is out.
We added in this version "Voucher Analytics" to each Voucher pool.
This gives you the option to have an overview of the performance of your Voucher Pool.
For Vouchers as Rewards, you will see two graphs:
- Number of vouchers that members are entitled to because they completed an action or got it as a benefit. This will help you to plan how many more voucher codes you need to upload and also see how successful the campaign was.
- Number of voucher codes exposed
We also added a CSV download that gives detailed data about the members who got the vouchers.
This, together with the Voucher download in the member profile, where you can see all the vouchers a specific member got, gives you all the information needed.
For more specific voucher data, you can take advantage of our Open Data product, where all the data sit in a Google Big Query database which you can connect to and run queries.
For more information about Voucher Analytics, please check our documentation