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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Sometimes the user re-orders identical articles in a web-shop. This use-case is not that important in a B2C-Scenario but probably more relevant in a B2B-Scenario.

Now, there is a small and easy solution to improve this for recurring orders. In addition this new feature also allows entering data outside of the online-shop.

It also enables B2B-Customers to collect orders from their employees and enables customers to reuse the list for recurring orders with changed quantities.

How does it works?

Activation of Item Upload in Web Channel Builder

First you have to activate the Order-Upload in the Web Channel Builder. This is just one checkbox in the module “salestransactions” (Section “Shopping Cart”).

With this setting the user will get an additional button in the shopping cart.

Illustration I: Activation of the "Item Upload" functionality in the Web Channel Builder (Module "salestransactions").

Upload Items to the Shopping Cart

In the shopping cart the additional button “Upload” is visible. Pressing this button will open an overlay-window to select a file for the upload.

This file must be a csv-file and must have the following structure:

  • Product ID
  • Product description
  • Quantity
  • Unit of measurement

Illustration II: Option to upload the csv-file into the shopping cart.

With this structure the user can create his order-list. This list the user can use again and again. Rows without a positive quantity and a valid unit of measurement will get ignored for the upload. All items with a valid Product ID, a valid Quantity and a valid Unit of measurement will get uploaded to the shopping cart. The column "Product description" is not mandatory and will not get uploaded to the shopping cart. This column is only in the csv-file to help the employee working with this file.

For sure this upload can be done with an empty shopping cart but also with a filled shopping cart. It is possible to upload several files after each other and it is possible to upload the same file multiple times.

Items and quantities will just get added and the user can work with the shopping cart as usual. He can change quantities, remove items and add other products to the cart.

A typical use-case is that a company has such a list and asks the employees to check the stock for the relevant department and enters the products with a critical reorder point. The company can now easily create one order with many items hand has no cumbersome work typing in all products manually.

Additional Information

SAP Web Channel Experience Management - New 3.0 Release

SAP Web Channel Experience Management 3.0 Highlights (Presentation on Service Market Place)

SAP WCEM 3.0 Application Help: Shopping Cart

SAP WCEM 3.0 Learning Map